Chapter 7

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Hey Everyone! I am updating a day early! Whoo Hoo! Thats Clary's  dress! 

I hope you all like the story so far and yes it is a short love story! Now....Im not sure whether  and I should add in a smexy scene before we end the book! 

I mean we already have the book planned out but at the same time we can add a smexy scene if people choose for us too. 

So let me know down below in the comments! Enjoy!


Everything....It all seemed so numb. The next few weeks have been hell. I feel...alone. So godamn alone, and it isn't fair it seems.

 I went to the hospital the night after Brooks figured out what was going on. turns out he had broken a rib and he had also given me a mild concussion. Yet the doctor didnt seem to care as to though why I had so many scars and bruises. 

He didnt question why I had so many scars on my wrists or on my head. He just didnt seem to care. And I was disappointed for some reason. I wanted someone to ask me if I was okay. Why I had so many scars. 

I became numb after I realized I had no one to help me. I had Aaliyah, but I ignored her at all costs. I didn't wasnt her sympathy. Nor her pity. Nothing seemed worth it anymore. 

I guess I'm just lucky that Brooks hadn't told anyone about what he had witnessed. 

The Brooks I knew....he's fled from the scene. He flirts to no end with everyone. Everyone but me. 

He ignores me an when I do see him in the hall, and he does notcie me -- god I know he notices me-- he looks away and slings his arm around the nearest girl. 

And lately... the nearest girl, has been the girl who has literally I swear slept, or flirted with every guy in this school. Including the outcasts. 

But, whenever Brooks throws his arm over a girl, or kisses her against the lockers... My heart feels an unbearable pain. Pain stronger than Ive ever known in this world. 

And I have known alot of pain in this life... 

Today....I plan on getting Brooks back. tonight I should say. 

I still have his address in my phone and I found it remarkable that he is my closest neighbor. He lives maybe half a mile from my house. 

And god. I couldnt contain the happiness I felt. My heart beat faster at the thoiught of speaking with Brooks. Being held by him again. Maybe even kissed, and more. 

The thought that maybe I could win him back and that we could be together. Stay together. 

It seems impossible by now to live without Brooks. And after tonight....I'm not sure I could ever be happy without him again... I would be broken. 

And Im scared to admit that I might never be fixed again. 

I look down at my phone. 

2:29 p.m. I gulp and press the button to turn off the phone. 

I look up at the teacher, but her words fly over my head. I look around at the kids surrounding me, my leg tapping the tiled floors below me. Most kids have their heads bent low, as they write in their notebooks, absorbing what the teacher is saying. 

But in the seats on the opposite end of the room...Brooks and Megan -- the slut-- are whispering. She kisses just below his ear and he smirks as he leans over towards her. 

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