Flash before your eyes

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John pov

I had all my kids here and April. We sat on the floor watching a cartoon wrapped in blankets. "Soar!" Jayson held his hand up. "Quiet." Jaylon shushed him.
April and I got off early to spend a day with the kids. With us working now, we barely had time to be a family with both us here other than the weekends.

"Daddy, can I have more popcorn?" Jaylah asked. "Yeah." I poured her some out the bag. "Thank you." She turned back around. April was looking at my phone and I saw her get up. "Hey, what's up? Where you going? You were so warm, come back."
"John get up and come over here." She said. We walked down the hall where the front door was,  "What is this? Why is there another woman texting you about the time y'all had last night?" 
"I took her out, she's one of our new employees as a designer and I took her out yesterday to celebrate her work, along with her team. And if you want to make sure, I have pictures in my phone of the date and time and place. Of the people and everything. That's my fault I didn't tell you, I'm sorry. "
"Ok, just asking. It's fine." She looked at me and walked off. I grabbed her arm turning her around. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you April Mae, I'm sorry I didn't inform about this."
"No baby it's fine, I just didn't know and it made my heart race. You see I asked before I went off." She smiled and patted my chest. "Come on before the kids go wild."

We walked back and they were laid out on the floor giggling. I went over to Justice who was laying in her rocker. I picked her up and laid her on the floor, she started to move around trying to go somewhere. I rubbed her back and she rolled over on her belly. I let her be and the triplets eventually got up and started to move around. I grabbed my phone and turned the lights on with my house app. April paused the movie and we watched them move around doing what they do.

"Jaylah behavior has gotten better." I said raising my eyebrow looking at her. "Because you spanked her." He growled. "And she learned, and now she's doing much better." I nudge his arm smiling. "Oh and I'm taking Justice to get a new outfit because she's growing up so fast and getting so big, and plus I need to get some things for myself you know. And I know you don't want Justice all out in the open, but she's getting bigger and growing out of everything. So, it's a quick come and go, but I need to pick some things up for myself."
"Ok, that's fine..be safe. Your guards are coming so make sure you give them a call to meet you up there."
"I will baby."  She smiled.


April pov

"No Justice, don't touch that baby." I walked over to her getting her away from the fire place. I closed it down and  watched her look at me. "You can't touch that, daddy would be upset if you touched that." I smiled. She held up a toy smiling. I sat down and got right back up to John running inside the house. "W-what the hell John?!" I raised my eyebrow. "Those little kids are after me. Save me!" He ran behind me holding onto my waist making me squeal his name, "John!" I laughed. Jaylah, Jayson, and Jaylon attacking us both. "Human shield protect me!" The kids were giggling and settling down. John lowered me down and we sat down to get on the kids level. Justice crawled into John arms. "Daddy was a monster and tried to-to take our toys!" Jayson yelled. "Woah lower your voice babe. You want me to get daddy?"
"Yes!" They giggled. I grabbed his head and put him in head lock while I kissed his lips. I heard them giggle as I raised up and he pretended to be dead. "Daddy?" They looked at him puzzled. "Momma what did you do?" Jaylah asked. They came a little closer and he grabbed them up laughing. "Hahaha! You can't stop me!" Justice hand came onto my thigh and I picked her up. I looked over at the kids and they were talking to John. "Mommy, tell daddy he's bleeding right then on his lips."
"That's just lipstick from my lips." I reassured them. "Go play so me and mommy can talk."
They ran off over to the sand box, "Don't waste anything on the floor." I said.

John grabbed my face and kissed me. "Woah." I smiled laughing. "My baby want a kiss too?" He leaned down and kissed Justice on the lips really quickly, or a peck if that's what you wanna call it. She made some cute little squeals squirming around in my lap. "What you want to talk about?" I asked. "Nothing!" He laughed. "They were making me run, I need a small break for right now." I shook my head smiling at him. "Babe, you know your amazing right?" He looked at Justice rubbing her cheek. "Aw she knows, she's going to be a daddy girl. Your so precious baby." I smiled. "Daddy pick me up." Jaylah stood in front of him with her hands on her hip. "She's sounds like you." John said hugging her and sitting her in his lap. "How?"
"Jealous." He laughed. "I'm not jealous." I crossed my arms. "Yes you are April Mae. Every time Jaylah and Justice wants to be on me, when you want to be on me, you get upset."
"That's because I want you! And you just always point at them like I can't just squeeze in a little."
He laughed at me and shook his head. "Adorable, it's okay to be jealous baby." I rolled my eyes and nudged his head with my hand.


Narrator pov

John and April were about to leave out. "I love you babes." April kissed her kids heads one by one. "Bye mommy!" They waved. She eases out the car and shut the door. She turns to John, "She's buckled up, and she gave me a kiss on my lips!" He jumped. April laughed at how he cute he was. "I love you baby." She placed her hand on the side of his face looking him in the eyes. "I love you too. I'm going to get you something too, I want to see you in some new panties." He smirked. "Get in the car and go." She laughed kissing him. He kissed her back grabbing her ass. They eased off and headed their separate ways.

John pov

"Daddy your not paying tention to me." Jaylon looked up at me with his sad big eyes. "I'm sorry, daddy just got off track. What is it? Show daddy." I smiled."
"This!" He pointed to a black shirt with a dinosaur, riding in a car. I chuckled, "Let's find your size." I searched through and once I found it I handed it to him. "There you go."
"Thanks." He smiled. I looked over at Jaylah she was in the mirror holding a dress in front of her body. "Just like your mama." I said quietly smiling. "Daddy!" She ran over to me and handed me the dress. "Hold it, I have more." She ran off again.

"Did you find what you want Jayson?"
He looked at me and just smiled. "Toys." He said softly. "Ok, do you want clothes? Or something?"
He shook his head no. "Ok, the toy aisle is right there get the one you want."
The sound of hangers clashing together made me turn around and Jaylah had a load of Dresses right there. "We're going to have to make sure these are the right sizes." I bit in my lip and looked down.


April pov

"This little dress, so pretty right?" I smiled. I showed it to her and she smiled. I let her feel the dress, it was a very soft material with a little bow on the back. "With those cute little white shoes daddy got you! Your going to look so beautiful."

I decided that was enough for her, I got her a few new pants, pj's, socks, shirts, bows, and dresses. I headed to the check out and waited in line. I took her to a baby store where it was simply just for babies and newborns.

Once we finally made it out, my boys; the security men which I like to them my boys, helped me with my sacks. I notice I had got a message, but I didn't read it. I wanted to get home and let J try on her new clothes, plus I was getting ready to take off, it kept buzzing off, but I knew better. I pulled over to the side and cut the sound off. It wasn't John, so that's all that mattered.

My boys right behind me, before I even knew it, my body jerked to my one side, the windows breaking, once we stopped with a big jerk. Trying to put everything together. I realized I just got hit. Things were blurry I seen a person, hurry out the car that had hit  me, once my vision cleared, they were running. My guard running after them, the sound of sirens, and the one sound I didn't hear was my baby...my baby Justice.

I have finals coming up in less than a week, so my last chapters for right now until my wave slows down a little. I hope you guys enjoyed the new updates! Like, comment, and Vote! Thank you!

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