Bringing Veggie Power to the World Rewrite

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Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity, and are able to turn both to their advantage. - Victor Kiam

Author's Notes


Regular talking




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She smiled down at her baby boys. The red haired child in her arms gave off a soft giggle while the other stayed quiet. The other child was very... particular. With white hair and vivid green eyes, he was a sight to behold. But he was born blind.

Most likely the cause of it was her. Whenever she got hit with a curse it might have hurt one of her children. But at that point she didn't know that she was pregnant and got hit with Aculrat Sumpra. She was always sad to know she was the most likely reason her oldest child was born underweight, blind, and with white hair. Its always my fault... she thought, sighing. I should have put The Order on hold...

"Lilly! Its time to go. The M. O. M. waits for no witch!" James called up. Goodbye Harry. She thought, kissing the white haired boy on the head, Goodbye Liam. She kissed the red haired boy on the head then put them back in the crib.

"Coming!" She called back. "Now boys. Be good for Unki Peter. Okay?" She got a gurgle in response. She turned to go, taking one last look back at her boys, and left. Unknowingly deciding the small albinos fate.
"Hello Peter. May I come in? James asked me to check on his boys." The silver haired professor said with a crazy twinkle in his eye. Looking down at the cowering man before him, he inwardly sneered.

"P-p-professor Dumbledore. And of course. T-the children are upstairs sleeping." The cowardly man said, leaning into the wall.

Good good, his plan was coming together. Now all he needed was for the pusillanimous man to leave, but how? "She put me in charge and wants you to go and check on your mother." When the rat still looked hesitant, the professor put a hand in his shoulder and smiled. "Go check on your mother, you don't have all that much time left."

"O-oh. Thank you." The man said relieved. He quickly left the house, secure in his knowledge that the children were safe with Dumbledore.

Soon it was just the professor and the children. He chuckled darkly, as he quickly made his way up the stairs. When he got to the black door with Liam in red and Harry in white, he stopped. He grinned, a dark grin that if seen would send shivers up someone's spine. Opening up the door he casually walked in. When he looked in the direction of the children he was surprised. The white haired child seemed to looking at him with disdain eyes, while the red haired child was playing with a stuffed animal, giggling occasionally.

Making a decision he quickly drew his wand and faced the red haired boy. He had to be the chosen one, the other's hair was too submissive to be powerful. Unknown to even him, but if he had been looking, he would have seen the albino magic latch on to his brothers leg and seen when he cast the spell the magical energy emit from the white haired boy. But no. He was looking at the red

"Avada Kavada!" He yelled, and he watched in satisfaction as a shield formed and deflected the spell causing it to hit the wall to the left of them. As the house fell down around them he made a split second decision and grabbed the eldest child. He cast a protective spell over the youngest and quickly appeared at an orphanage. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote.

His name is Harrison J. P. His parents are dead and he has no living relatives. Take care of him. Please for I am to die.

- A. D.

He plopped the child down and stuck the note on his shirt. With that being done, he quickly left and went to check on the Potter's cottage. And to check on his new weapon.

That night, when it was learned that the "Boy-Who-Lived" saved the wizarding world by defeating "You-Know-Who" everyone celebrated. But they didn't seem to consider what the family had lost or why, when the press came the next morning to interview the couple they didn't seem happy. In fact, they looked like they had been crying. But why? The world wondered, but none had a clue.
~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~

Aculrat Sumpra~


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