Lately #2

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Weird And short chapter. Couldn't think of anything to write.
I twisted in their grasp, trying to break free. Why does this happen to me? Its always me. First the stupid hat, and now this? I do NOT want to be marked. I heard its painful and I don't want a tattoo on my freaking neck. I mean who does? No one, that's who!

"We can't. Not now. I just got here. Can we wait maybe a month? Please?" I ask in a rush when I feel them press closer. When 'please' left my mouth, I heard a pair of twin growls.

"Fine." They growled out and pulled away. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. They grabbed my arms and pulled me back towards the Great Hall. They still had my arms in their grips when we entered. They kept pulling my arm even as the Hall quieted down, I bet taking in my ruffled appearance.

"Harry!" I heard Theo call.

"Help me! I feel like I'm being kidnapped!" I call back, and felt the twins tighten their grips on my arms. I heard chuckling.

"Sit!" I heard them growl.

"What are y'all? Over grown mutts?" They pushed me down and I felt them sit on ether side of me.

"Hey! Why are you not sitting at our table? And why are you sitting with the Weasley twins?" I heard what sounded like Draco ask.

"I'm being abducted." I state plainly as I tried to get up. They kept pushing me back down, almost as if I was a teddy bear.

He started laughing, "Well, good luck with that. Just don't have sex in the common room." he stated before I heard him walking away.

I gasp and yell, "I hope you get molested by a bunny!" I heard some people snickering, and decided to kick it up a notch. "SORRY LADIES! THESE TWO BESIDE ME AND THAT FINE ASS WALKING AWAY, ARE TAKEN! MY FUTURE HUSBANDS! WOOP! THEY GOTTA PUT A RING ON IT!" I yelled. I heard people laughing. And then people started talking like normal. I remembered that I was in those robe things and they were plain. I thought of some words and colors for it and grabbed my wand. I decided on black with green and silver words on it saying "Sometimes I question my sanity, but the unicorn and gummy bears told me I'm fine!" on the back; and on the front running down the sides, it says, "Future husbands: (do not touch) Fred Weasley, & George weasly."

I heard the two in question laughing. "Stuff an orange in it!" I told them, jokingly.

"As you wish..."

"Where would..."

"You like..."

"To stuff it...?"

"Let me think." I thought for an second before saying, "Up your ass- through a tube- around the corner- out your boob!" They both laughed at that. " Are there any fruits here? Everything I smell is... Unhealthy. I like eating healthy foods or sague lollipops." I say pulling out a lollipop and sucking on it as they put fruit on my plate. I wrapped my lips around the lolli and licked it, savoring the sweet metallic taste. I looked it out of my mouth and licked it and then slowly putting it in my mouth. As I sucked it I heard two moans coming from my mates. I knew this was going to make them crazy, but this was payback. To tease them a little I slowly moaned quietly, only loud enough for them to hear. I could practically smell their arousal.

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