Chapter 65: Assassination Date

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Natsume's POV

"Just what did you guys do?!" Nagisa complained as I started turning off the holograms "If Kaa-san finds out that there wasn't a real seminar..."

"It's fine, Nagisa" Akabane said as he helped me on gathering the hologram pods "Tsume-chan has it covered"

"Yeah. I know your mother's schedule and she won't be back until 7:00" I gave him thumbs up "I'll make sure that we'll be back before 6:00"

"Where are we going anyways?" Nagisa asked as we exited Kisetsu highschool "You better have a good reason because you just faked a letter for Kaa-san"

"Oh, we're going on an assassination date" I grinned


"We're going to Spain to steal something back for Tsume-chan's client" Akabane said

"Just how are we going to get there?" Nagisa sweat dropped

"The same way I go to other countries" I said

"And that is?" Nagisa gulped nervously

"I'm gonna drive a jet" I said proudly

"Why a jet? It better not crash or I'm dead" Nagisa anime cried

"It's fine. I pilot them almost everynight" I gave him a pat on the back "Now, we better hurry up so we could stay in schedule. We still need to change our clothes too. And BORROW a jet from the Military"

"I don't think I can believe this" Nagisa sighed


"Hm? You two don't look half-bad in those suits" I said as I continued piloting the jet to Spain

"Could you atleast compliment us properly" Nagisa sweat dropped "Natsume, aren't you wearing your costume. You know, the mask and hood"

"Nah. My client knows my face and so does our competition" I said nonchantaly as I prepared for landing

"Wait! Competition!? Is this a race?!" Nagisa freaked out

"Kind of. That client usually hires two sets of assassins so they would race then the winner would get the bounty" I said as I stood up from my seat "I'm used to it and I always win so it isn't much of a big deal"

"So who's our competition?" Akabane asked

"You'll see" I smirked as I opened the door. We all went outside one by one and saw our competition and client waiting "Yo, Moron Trio"

"How many times did we tell you not to call us that?" A certain gunman said as he halted tasting his gun

"Hm... It seems-eth we meet again, young warrior" A blonde said as he crossed his arms "I guess-eth there's no need to hold back anymore, Argento Ala"

"It's nice to see you revealing your face in a dress, Ms. Silver. And I can see that you brought your friends" A poisoner said politely

"Nice seeing you here again, Gastro, Grip and Smog" I said in Spanish which made Nagisa and Akabane tilt their head in confusion. This caught my attention and I gave them an earpiece "Use these. Those babies can help you understand Spanish. But be careful of your words. Speak English so that people won't get suspicious. Starting Now"

The two nodded then out the earpiece on.

"Welcome, Argento Ala" My client greeted "It's been a while since we did a race, right"

"Hey there, Marko Aguila" I shook his hands "So what is it that we're gonna steal back"

"This" Marko showed a picture of a pendant with a golden gem in the middle "The Ravino Famiglia have it but I'm sure you already know that"

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