one: stranger danger

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It was late Friday night and I was walking through the streets of the city. I had just gone and seen a movie to get my mind off of the break up that I just had with my boyfriend. I was pretty broken up about it, but it's not like he was the worlds greatest boyfriend. He was an ass and he treated me like shit. I had caught him making out with some random girl when I stopped by his house yesterday.

The movie was horrible. It was about some girl falling in love with her best friend and living happily ever after. I can't believe some people actually like that crap. Unrealistic is what it is.

I had just passed Jeffery's dinner, a place where my mom takes me sometimes. Well took me. She left a few months ago. Found a new boyfriend after she divorced my dad. Just packed her things, and left town. No goodbye. No nothing.

As I rounded the corner of the street, I saw a crowd of what looked like more than 100 people about 3 blocks away. I squinted my eyes to take a better look and saw they were all running my way. Why?

Then a tall boy standing in front of me interrupted my thoughts. His face was only lit by the dim street lamp shining above us. He had long curly hair that flopped over his eyes and freckles that formed constellations on his cheeks. And his cheekbones. Oh don't even get me started on them. They looked like they were hand crafted from god himself.

He stopped in front of me panting and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath for a second.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said in between gasps for air, "I need to hide. Fast."

"My apartment is a few blocks down. I could take you there. My dads not home he's working the night shift at the hospital."

"Yeah. Yeah. Sounds great." He looked behind him noticing the mob of fan girls getting closer to them. His eyes widened and he snapped his neck back around to face me. "Just hurry,"

He followed me as I led the way back to my apartment. I could hear his breath behind me, panting a lot harder than I was. Probably because he had been running longer than I had.

We walked through the doors of the building into the lobby and he pushed me against the wall out of sight of the windows.

"Oww!" I shouted as I grabbed my elbow which hit the wall after he had shoved me into it.

"Shh. I'm sorry, I just don't want them to see us," he whispered in his soothing voice.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. And we stood there in silence until the swarm of girls passed the door and ran through the street completely clueless to where the boy they were chasing had gone.

I moved forward and he jerked his hand in front of me to signal to wait a moment just to be sure they weren't going to come back.

He moved toward the center of the lobby and I followed.

"So this is where you live?" He started.

"Well not here exactly. I have a room in this building though."

"Show me," He said.

"Ok...?" I wasn't really sure why he wanted to see my room so bad, but I went with it.

I led him to the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. I could hear the elevator music playing softly in the background, as we stood there awkwardly.

The boy finally broke the silence. "I forgot to ask you name."

"Y/n. Yours?"

"Doesn't matter." He replied.

Strange. He was strange.

"Of course it matters. What is it?"

"I would tell you, but that would change everything" He said without any emotion.

Change what?

I led him out of the elevator and to the door to my apartment which was only a few rooms away. I unlocked it with my key that was on a lanyard wrapped around my neck and we stepped inside.

"You hungry?" I asked him.

"A little," he replied.

"Want an apple?" I inquired as I waved an apple in the air that I had picked up out of the fruit basked on the counter.

He nodded his head and I threw the apple to him and he caught it.

"Nice catch," I smiled.

"Thanks," he said as he returned the smile.

I didn't know it then but that smile wound change my life forever.

He raised the apple it the air as if to say 'cheers' and took a bite.

"So, why were all those girls chasing you. Are you famous," I teased laughing at the thought that this random dude I bumped into could actually be famous.

I heard a ding and Finn reached into his back pocket to take out his phone.

"Shit!" He yelled louder than he intended. "I have to go. Where's the garbage?"

I walked over to the trash can and opened it for him. He dropped his half eaten apple core into it and turned to face me.

"Well, I'll see you around I guess." I said and he frowned.

"I don't think you will, but it was nice meeting you y/n, and thanks for letting me hide out here." he said running to the door and slightly slamming it after himself.

The room fell silent and for a moment I felt lonely without the company of the strange boy.

"Nice to meet you too, stranger," I mumbled to myself still confused at what had just happened.

I changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt before I laid in bed to go to sleep.

That night I had stayed up thinking about the mystery boy who I had met in the streets only hours ago. The boy who came to my apartment and didn't even tell me so much as his name.

The boy who just, left.

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