seven: pool day

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your pov

i woke up in amelia's bed and she wasn't there, so i wandered into the kitchen where i heard the rustling of pans and manly voices. i knew it wasn't her dad because he was out of town. i peeked around the corner to see who it was and i saw jack helping amelia cook pancakes, while finn was leaning on the counter.

oh great they're here.

i quickly went back to amelia's room and stole some of her clothes because i forgot mine. good thing we are the same size. i pulled on a hoodie and leggings and headed to the kitchen where everyone was.

"morning y/n," amelia greeted me. finn's head perked up at the sound of my name. he smiled and said "hey,"

"hey," i replied. jack and i exchanged waves and i went to go stand next to finn. "so whats the plan for today?" i asked to one in particular.

"oh, well me and amelia already had plans, but you and finn are welcome to tag along if you want." jack explained.

"no. no. its fine we wouldn't want to ruin your time together," i replied and finn nodded in agreement. 

"you and finn could hang out together," amelia suggested.

"i'm down," finn said.



once the pancakes were done, we all sat down and ate them. soon enough amelia and jack left, leaving only finn and i to ourselves. 

"so where do you want to go?" i questioned.

"we could go to yours again." he suggested.

"you always come to my house." i wined. "but i've never been to yours." i raised my eyebrows.

"no. y/n, no."

"pleaaassee. why not?"

 he looked like he was about give me a reason, but he just responded with "ugh. fine."

i started cheering and bouncing around the room and finn chuckled at my child-like actions.


we both got in finn's truck, since i couldn't drive yet, and he handed me the aux chord.

"play anything you want." he said.

"anything?" i asked with a devilish grin. finn was too focused on driving to notice though.

"sure," he replied. i searched on apple music until i found 'city boy' by finns band calpurnia. i turned the volume all the way up and blasted the song. the whole ride to his house, we were bopping our heads and shouting the lyrics of the song. 


we pulled up in front of a huge house. it was so big it could probably be considered a mansion. 

"wow. is this your house?" i asked in awe of what i was staring at.

"well. its temporary. we're renting it while we stay here." i didn't answer him. i was too focused on admiring every detail of the house. i was broken out of my trance by finn opening the door for me.

i giggled "oh why thank you." i curtsied.

"my pleasure." finn bowed.

he took out his key ring and unlocked the front door. immediately once we stepped in, i looked up. the ceiling was so high and the house looked to be at least three stories high. finn started walking up the stairs and i followed close behind. he lead me to his bed room. it was neater than i expected. his bed was made and there were only a few pieces of clothing in the corner. otherwise, everything else was in place. i plopped down on the edge of the bed. 

"what do you want to do?" he asked.

"i don't know. what is there to do?" i replied.

"hm...we could go swimming." he suggested.

"oh yeah! except i didn't bring my bathing suit," i remembered.

"thats ok. i think my brothers girlfriend left hers the last time she came over. i'm sure she won't mind. i'll go get it."


a minute later he came back and tossed me a black bikini. 

"ill change in the bathroom," i said as i got up and walked there, making sure to shut the door all the way behind me.

i took off my clothes and slipped on the bathing suit. surprisingly it fit. i checked myself in the mirror to make sure i didn't look horrible before stepping back out into finn's room. he was waiting there, already changed, on his phone with two towels in hand.

he looked up at me and stared. i began to get a little self conscious, so i folded my arms across my stomach.

"um...finn?" i said nervously.

he shook his head "oh yeah...uh...race you there" he took off running back down the stairs.

i grunted and followed behind him. there was no point in trying. he had already gotten a huge head start.

"fuck you wolfhard" i screamed.

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