five: the fair

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"Well that's a nice way to greet someone," he chuckled.

"Why are you here. My friend is picking me up in a few minutes,"

"I was in the neighborhood. I thought I'd stop by and say hi." he smirked. His flirty expression suddenly turned to an angry one. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Didn't I just say I'm going out with a friend." I was starting to get annoyed.

"Are you sure? Because that looks like an outfit that you would go on a date with?" He said raising his eyebrows.

Yeah, i guess my outfit was a little bit showy, but I can wear whatever the hell I want. He can't control what I wear. Why does he care anyway?

"Like i said, I'm going out with friends. And they are coming to pick me up right now so you should probably leave," I gave him a fake smile and opened the door for him to leave.

"I was going to anyways. I'm going out with a friend too," he said as he turned to the door.

"Bye," I waved as he began walking out. He waved to me with his back turned as he walked to the elevator.

I closed the door and only minutes later, Amelia came rushing through. She had her own keys to my apartment since she came here all the time.

"Ooo girl. You lookin hawt," I said as I clapped my hands together. She spun around and striked a pose before bursting out laughing.

"You too. Do you think jack will like it," she asked concerned.

"He'd be crazy if he didn't," I smiled.

"Ok let's go then,"

We walked to her car. She was the oldest person in our grade and one of the only ones who could drive.

Once we arrived at the fair, she started getting nervous and bouncing in her seat.

"Amelia, you'll be fine. Now where are we meeting them?" I asked

"By the ticket booth," she answered.

We got out of the car and headed over to the ticket boot. We saw a tall guy that looked as if he was about our age. Amelia walked up to him with me following close behind.

"Excuse me, is your name jack?" She inquired.

"Sorry, no," the boy answered, annoyed and walked away.

she had no idea what the boy looked like and she was just going to go around and ask every single guy she saw. I knew my best friend. but she wasn't going to give up until she found him. so i decided i would help her look. 

I saw a tall, brown haired boy, looking around like he was waiting for somebody. I tapped amelia's shoulder and pointed at the stranger.

"Wanna try him?" I asked her.

"sure. why not?" she said.

we walked up to him and amelia asked the same question she asked the other guy.

"is your name jack?"

"actually, yes." the stranger responded, "are you amelia?"

"yes!" amelia practically yelled as she embraced him in a hug. "its so great to finally meet you."

"you too. I thought maybe you were someone trying to catfish me or something."

"me too," she said.

i coughed so they would know that i was still there and so maybe amelia would introduce me.

"oh, i almost forgot," she giggled, "this is y/n. y/n, this is jack."

"nice to meet you." he said.

"you too," i smiled, "is it weird that i feel like i've seen you before?" i asked. he looked so familiar to me, i just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"well actually, i'm an actor and i've been in a few movies." he responded, a little embarrassed.

"what? that is so cool!" Amelia said. Jack only shrugged in response.

"so you want to go on some rides?"Amelia suggested.

"yeah. my friend just went to the bathroom. he should be out any second." he said looking around. 

as if on command, a tall stranger walked up from behind me.

"hey what's up?" he said to jack. his voice sounded familiar. i turned around to see who it was.

holy shit. i knew i recognized that voice. it was none other than, you guessed it, finn fucking wolfhard. 

"amelia, y/n, this is finn," jack introduced us.

"yeah i know him." i said still in shock that finn was here.

"wait. is he the one you always talk about?" amelia asked as she raised her eyebrows.

i nudged her with my elbow a little so she would shut the fuck up.

"um. hi y/n." finn stated. i smiled back. this moment shouldn't have been as awkward as it was. but it was like that until jack broke the silence.

"who wants to go ride some rides?" he said getting out his wallet and walking towards the line for tickets.


Jack ended up paying for amelia's ticket and finn insisted on paying for mine. the whole night we pretty much went on roller coasters and played silly little fair games. amelia and jack were really hitting it off and they were already acting like a couple. finn and i, on the other hand, were having fun as friends. we had never really spoken, besides when he was getting chased by a mob of fans, so it was different actually hanging out with him. i liked this side of him. but i'm surprised he didn't get noticed by any fans the whole time we were at the fair. 

at the end of the night, there was only one more ride that we had left to ride, the ferris wheel. i had already assumed that jack and amelia would be riding together. that left me stuck with finn. stuck on the world's most romantic ride with him. 


once we got on the ride, it was already awkward. we sat close together because the seat was a tight squeeze. i had already started to look around at everyone else. pretty much everyone on the ride was a couple. some people were just cuddling while others were making out. jack and amelia were one of the ones making out. that was really fast. looks like they really liked each other. i was happy for amelia. she finally found the someone she had been looking for, and jack was a good guy.

"so..." finn interrupted my thoughts.

"so..." i repeated.

"so you want to like make out or something?" he blurted.

my eyes widened.

"excuse me?"

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