Blink: The Secret

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I ran out of the barn, forgetting about my riding plans. I rushed across the yellow-green grass to the front door if the house.

I threw open the door," DAD! When did you hire a new hand?"

Dad's eyes flickered open. "What new hand?! I didn't hire no hand!" Dad's eyes were burning with rage. "Who snuck onto my ranch?!" He jumped up, slamming the door as he exited the house.


I went upstairs to my room, logging onto my laptop. I typed his name into Google, Facebook, Instagram; there was no information on him anywhere! It was like he didn't exist. Next, in the search box I typed in ghosts. Millions of answers and pictures appeared on the screen.

I spent the rest if the day scrolling through them all. But nothing came up on "ghost hand who works for free". I lowered my head onto the cold desk, giving up.

"Blake! There ain't no hand down there! I searched everywhere!" He slammed the door. His giant feet thundered up the stairs. He opened the door to my room. He leveled his eyes with mine. "Stupid kid." Dad slammed his fist into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

I flopped onto the floor, gasping for breath. Dad huffed out of the room, swearing under his breath.

It was late.

I was tired.

School was tomorrow.

I went to bed.

I never tried to stand out. For school I wore a blank grey T-shirt, a pair of baggy jeans, and red converse. No, I didn't have a boyfriend. I probably never would. My hair was thrown into a ponytail as I ran out the door, late for the bus.

The bus was just turning the corner as I slid to a stop where I was supposed to be thirty seconds ago. Swearing, I sprinted to school. Oh, crap! I thought. I didn't do any of my homework.

I was late to class. "Miss Roosevelt, would you care to explain to the class why you were late?"

"No ma'am," I said. Snickers filled the room.

"Silence class! That wasn't an question Miss Roosevelt; it was an order."

"I, um... overslept?" I said, sounding like a question to me. And probably everyone else.

"Detention Miss Roosevelt."

"Yes ma'am," I said with a sigh.

As I walked out of the classroom my best (only) friends joined me. Sofia walked in the left side of me and Hannah on the right. We were pretty much a posse of uncool people.(the peoples whose names I used were cool😎don't get them mixed up!) the girls were pretty much polar opposites. One had red hair, the other raven. One pale skinned, the other dark. It was actually kinda funny.

"Ugh, it sucks that Ms. George gave you detention!" Hannah squealed.

"I know right! It is totally uncool," Sofia said as she twisted a dark lock of hair around her finger.

"It's OK, guys," I said. "Oh, here's my next class," I mumbled as we walked by the room.

The rest of the classes slowly ticked by.

Detention was a bore as usual. I actually probably came here three times a week, but somehow I still haven't made any friends or even acquaintances! I just sat at my desk, chewing my pencil.

"You may be dismissed." Mr. Lassi announced.

"Yes!" I shouted, finally freeeeeeeee!

I ran back to Purple Sunset Ranch, determined to ask David Apere who the hell he was.

I swung open the front gate and dumped my school bag in the trash. I walked straight up to the barn.

"Excuse me? David?" I called. A finger tapped me on the shoulder blade.

"Right here!" He announced as I turned around with a lopsided smile on his face that made our heart wanna just melt.

"O-oh, um, heyyy," I said, blushing.

"Heyyyyyyyyy to you, too!" He said laughing. He brushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Thanks," I said, blushing even harder. STOP IT BLAKE! I screamed at myself. You just met the kid, I mentally reminded myself.

"Your very welcome, miss," he said with a bow. "Now let's get down to business: ten 'o clock. Me. You. Fro Yo. You cannot miss this, it's very important.

Was he asking me out? He was asking me out.

"Uhh, okkayyyyyy," I said, stretching the last syllable.

"Cool," he said with another irresistible lopsided smile. David ran out of the barn.

I decided to gussy up just a little bit. I mean it's not everyday a boy asks you to go eat Fro Yo with him. Right?

I slid into a pair of dark skinny jeans with a thick brown belt, brown heeled boots, and a plain, fitted, red V-Neck top. I pulled my hair into a long ponytail.

Date outfit, check.

It was almost ten, so I headed out the door, Dad was asleep on the couch, his breath hinting of liquor. He wouldn't care where I was. I walked to the nearest Fro Yo cart, knowing David would be there.

When I arrived, David had already snagged a seat (well, foldable chair) in the back. I got in line and ordered some Frozen Yogurt. Cake Batter. Yum.

I headed to the back of the lot, heading towards David.

He had a nice button down shirt, leather jacket, and dark jeans. His blonde hair spiked in the front, back combed, like the 10th doctor's.(Anyone a doctor who fan?)

"First things first, we need to get you out of your Dad's home. Your mother would want this would she?" He asked.

"No, she wouldn't," confused at both of our straightforwardness.

"Well, lemme tell you a little about who I am... And what I am. I'm an angel. A Guardian Angel if you will."

"Um. OK?" My voice going up multiple octaves.

"I was sent to protect you from your father, Kyle Roosevelt," David said bluntly.

"If your an angel, where are your wings?" I questioned. He gestured with his hands to go behind a nearby bush.

"Oh, these old things?" David said with a smirk. He whipped off his jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt. "Male angels only wear pants if your wondering." Wings the size of surfboards protruded from his back. His chest was well muscled with a tan six pack.

Did all angels look so hot?

His blonde hair whipped around, making him look so very majestic.

He smiled.

I blinked.

He disappeared.

Why did this always happen to me?!

Extra long chapter!! Comment if u enjoyed💞~Rylie😋

P.s. special thanks to those who let me use their name and features!

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