Welcome to Dishonoring Jack, the second installment in the Ragtime Girls series based in a small town in the United States during World War I. Book one of the series is Sharing Corrie, and this book picks up where the previous one left off, following Corrie's eclectic Aunt Jack. This novel is a standalone story so you don't need to read the previous book to read this one.
This story follows Jack Harrison, a self-proclaimed spinster, and what happens when she encounters someone who could finally change that--a Native American named Donovan with a questionable reputation.
This story is finished offline, so updates will be once a week! Be sure to add the story to your library for future updates. In the mean time, check out Sharing Corrie to catch up on the Ragtime Girls saga and enjoy!
~ Hannah
Dishonoring Jack
Historical FictionWattys Awards Winner 2019 - Historical Fiction Jacqueline "Jack" Harrison is perfectly content with her reputation as an eclectic spinster with a penchant for trouble. Between volunteering at the post office and working in the local munitions factor...