Chapter Four

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I spent most of the morning stewing in my anger with Jason. I was frustrated in more ways than one. Not only had he gotten me all worked up without a release, but I now had a towering stack of pancakes with no one else to eat them. I muttered to myself while I cleaned up and stowed the uneaten food away.

Once I was done I checked my phone. I had a few unread messages. The first one was from my mom.

Are you going to make it to dinner?  Drew is here with the babies.

Shit. I forgot about that. I rarely missed dinner with my family, I loved my nieces more than anything and just enjoyed spending time with my family in general.

Sorry Mom, I have a huge test I have to study for. Give them all of my love please

I felt a little guilty for blowing them off like that. But that was where the new bad girl Sarah came in. She did what she wanted, when she wanted. At least that's what I was telling myself. I was tired of fitting into a little perfect box. I only have one life, I want to live it how I want.

The second message was from Adam, which made my heart do that little flutter thing again. Maybe I should get that checked out by a doctor?

Can't wait to see you tonight. Just give the guy at the door your name, he has your tickets. I hope you enjoy the show!

I immediately sent a reply thanking him and went on to the last message. It was from Jason. He must have sent a text when he got to work.

Hey beautiful, I'm sorry about this morning. And you're right, I haven't been paying enough attention like I should. We'll talk more on it when you get back from your concert tonight. I love you, have fun and be safe.

My stomach dropped. I had put so much energy into being upset with him, and he was being understanding. Was I overreacting? But he said I was right, so maybe not? Men complain about women being confusing, but they do stuff like this?

Thank you, I love you too. Have a good day at work.

I hit send just as a message popped up from Adam.

No worries, how's your day been?

I wanted to vent. I wanted to let out all of my frustration in a big huff and be done with it. I knew it wasn't the smartest thing, but I was over trying to do what was right and what was expected of me.

Not great. Jason and I got into an argument.

I hit send before going to my closet to find the clothes I wanted to wear. The jeans were easy to find, I wore them often and tried to keep them at the front of my closet. The shirt was hiding in the back, I hadn't worn it in some time. We hadn't went out much lately.

My phone dinged and I grabbed it, another text from Adam.

Anything you want to talk about?

I let the phone sit in my hands a few minutes before deciding exactly what I wanted to say. I had all sorts of mixed feeling about what had transpired that morning and I wasn't sure how the conversation with Jason would go later. Finally I began typing.

I jut feel like Jason doesn't care anymore. Like he's doing what is expected of him, but that he's not really there. And I expressed it to him this morning and he just left for work without even trying to talk about it.

I sent the message and let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. Sometimes it's good to get things out to someone else. I rarely had the chance. My girlfriends were usually caught up in their own lives of being married and having kids and such, and what was going on in my life was usually the least of their worries.

I decided to take a shower and hopefully get my head cleared some. Today was supposed to be a good day, I just had to keep telling myself that.


After my shower I didn't have a whole lot going on until the concert. I figured I could clean and do some laundry. Maybe burn off some of my anger I had bubbling up. I had just started a load of laundry when my phone notified me of a message.

That's pretty shitty of him to do. Are you still going to make the tonight? It sounds like you need to let out some steam or something.

Adam's message made me feel a little validated in my anger. Sure Jason said he wanted to talk later, but I doubted that would happen. He always said he wanted to do things, but he rarely followed through.

Yeah, I'll be there for sure. I can't wait!

After I texted Adam back I went on cleaning the house. I was going to have fun tonight. And nobody was going to stop me.

A/N: Thank you everyone for reading and commenting! Hearing what you like and dislike helps me become a better writer, and that means better books for you! You all are amazing! I plan on having a new chapter up next weekend at the latest! Stay tuned!

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