895 Days

201 10 3

861 days ago you said hi. I smiled and said hi back

773 days ago you asked me out. I jokingly said no. Stupidly said yes quickly after

695 days ago I was absolutely beautiful in your eyes

681 days ago we had the perfect date. I was sure you were my soul mate

677 days ago you would miss me. Even if I were gone only a minute

658 days ago those special words were uttered. And were felt every second after that

644 days ago you told me I was your future. Wife is what they called me

636 days and it was hell . To go through one week of not being able to speak to or even see each other. That's how intense it felt.

Then the glorious day appeared

441 days ago we had been together one year. It was still so perfect

I'm still not sure what happens next

Around day 500 is when it got weird. We fought. They were small and petty but it happened. I got jealous. You got jealous. Words were thrown around

But sorry was never said by you

Then day 808 came and the 2 years was no where as amazing as day 440.

I was the happy one I assume. I was the one still on cloud nine. But somewhere along the line I wasn't beautiful in your eyes anymore. I was not amazing, I was not your perfect vision.

Day 810 is when you started the tantrum. You wanted more, girls I mean.

So I allowed it, just so in some crazy way it would just bring us closer.

I was foolish.

I cried for 35 days. Every night that's the only way I slept. I begged everyday, just come back to me.

The days 853-860 were left unspoken. You refused to talk to me

Thing is, I never even knew what I did. I changed for you.

I was the one who put it all on the line and gave up my happiness. Hoping you would love me. Why wasn't I good enough?

Day 861 is when you said the words. And just like that we were done.

The next two days I cried, I was left alone with just my thoughts. It was blurred after that.

I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't good enough.

It wasn't me though, it was you. Remember how you said that? Over text too!

Day 866 is when I realized, yeah that didn't take long right.

I spent 47 days hung up on you as is

You're not for me, I am so much better. I deserved so much better.

You made me hate you, you basically cheated then broke my heart and my trust.

People don't even know the real story because if I told it, you'd look like scum

You'd look worse than scum! And I don't want that. I did love you once. You shouldn't be treated poorly. Like how you treated me. Maybe I'm just the better person.

Today is day 895

I have completely moved on. I still hate you. But I still have love for you. I can be nice if you'd like.

Just know. Someone else is making me smile now. They're making me happy.

And one day, may not be soon but one day. Someone else will take your place.

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