Getting that Thermos

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Randy's POV

Cujo barged down the door of Walkers office. Walker jumped to his feet, straddled. "Hey Mr. Judge  jury, let our friend go." I yelled in anger. "Breaking am entering, letting someone go and prison escape. All against the rules." Walker said. Frostbite threw icicles at Walker. "Guards." Walker yelled. "Sam, Tucker, Howard and Danny's parents, lets go get the Thermos. Pandora, Frostbite, Danielle, Wulf and Cujo stay here and fight off Walkers goons." I said. They all nodded and I jumped off of Cujo's back. Every cane out of the Speeder and looked around, dodging the fight going on. I jumped over Danielle's ray. I looked everywhere and I saw a green flashing light coming from one of the cabinets. I ran towards it but I got grabbed by Walker. "Phantom is mine and you'll be mine." He said. I struggled to get free. "Hey Black and white." Maddie yelled. He turned us around and Maddie  blasted him, he let me go and I ran towards the Thermos. I grabbed the glowing thermos but it got zapped out of my hand and fell down a hole that was in the ground. "You got to be honking kidding me." I said. I got up and Sam ran over to me. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded and we jumped threw the hole.

The place was pitch black. I found my ninja mask and placed it on my head, it wrapped around me,  glowing red as it wrapped around my body. I pulled out light blue balls "Ninja glow ball." I yelled. The balls begun to glow bring blue. The place was a giant storage room. "How are we going to find that Thermos?" Sam asked. "We got to find him and we will. This is my fault and I got to fix it."  I said. Sam smiled. We looked around for anything that looked like the Thermos. I got grabbed causing me to drop the glow ball. I struggled to get free until I was knocked out.

Sam's POV

I was walking around blindly through the dark, grabbing on to anything possible. I saw Randy's light in the distance. I walked towards it and saw it lying on the ground. "Randy?" I yelled. I picked up the ball. and shock it, it grew brighter. "Randy, cut it out. I know your trying to scare me." I said, scared. I moved around and saw blood on the vground, it looked fresh. "Randy?" I said, more scared now. I heard movement behind me. I got my weapon ready. I saw one of walkers goons come out of the darkness and tried to attack me but I blasted him. More came, I kept shooting them until I heard "Enough." I turned around and the lights flickered on. Walker was standing there with the Thermos in his hands, I looked closely and saw Randy lying on, lifeless. "Let them go." I yelled. I heard a thump behind me. I saw Tucker and Howard behind me but I didn't think Walker saw. I put my hand behind me back and pointed at them to hide behind the boxes. "Walker, let Randy go and give us the Thermos." I said. "Letting someone go is against the rules and giving the Thermos to you is like letting someone go." Walker said. I pointed the zapper at Walker. "Put the gun down girl, you can hurt me." Walker said. I heard a howl. I saw Wulf attack Walker, I smiled. The Thermos rolled towards me, I leaped and grabbed it. I opened the lid and set free Danny. He flopped onto the ground. "Urg, What happened?" He asked. "Long story short, your back to normal self, you were in the Thermos, Randy is knocked out cold and we need to get out of here." I said. "Don't move you two or your friend gets it." Walker said. We turned around and saw Walker holding Randy over a hole.  "Randy." Danny said. He had blood in his hair. I saw Danny getting angry. "Sam, get the others out of here." Danny said. "Danny, no." I said. "Now Sam." Danny ordered. I looked surprised but looked away. I ran off grabbing Tucker and Howard from behind the boxes.

Danny's POV

Anger and guilt ran through my body, I looked at Walker. "What have you done to him?" I asked. "Just knocked him out." Walker said. "Let me go." I yelled. "If you say so." Walker said, dropping him into the hole. "No." I yelled, flying after him. I caught up to him and grabbed him. I put a force field around us and braces for in packed. We hit the ground pretty hard. Randy landed on top of me and I laid on broken pieces of wood. I tried to get up but I realized that I had a piece of wood going through my left. I screamed in pain and in horror. I went intangible and the wood fell out of my leg. I became unintangible and saw green blood pouring out of my leg. I screamed once more. I heard groans beside. I looked and saw Randy pushing himself up. He looked at me. "Danny?" He said. He then saw my leg and yelled "Danny!" He found his mask and put it on, then grabbed his scarf and wrapped it around my leg. "How did we get down here?" He asked. "Long story, we need to figure a way out." I said, in pain. He picked me up and tried to get up but he couldn't. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, my head hurts and I have no strength to lift you up." He said. "Hold on buddy." I said. I stood up in pain, I picked up Randy and started to fly. "Danny, don't push yourself." Randy said. I ignored him. I flew us to the top, the very top. I found the Speeder and flew us inside where Sam, Tucker and Howard were waiting. "Call the others and let's go." I said. They called everyone and they ran inside the Speeder. Tucker grabbed the wheel and flew us home. I heard everyone asking everyone questions. I lied down next to Randy and slowly shut my eyes.

Randy's POV

We were back in Damn lab. Danny had black out and changed back to normal. His parents were working on his leg. Sam, Tucker and Howard were beside me helping out my head. "Sorry to leave you hanging there Sam." I said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well I was suppose to help you find Danny, instead I got knocked out and left you to find him by yourself." I said. "Randy, that isn't your fault. Sure you gave me a scare but the good there is that you survived and that's what matters." She said. I smiled. Tucker gave me an ice pack to put on my head. Sam had wrapped gauze around my head to stop the bleeding. I looked over to Danny. "Danny pushed it too far back there." I said. "Huh?" Tucker said. We were both injured and I tried to move him but I was weak. I told him not to push himself but he flew us out of the hole and back up to the main level. His leg was pretty bad, I'm guessing something impaled him." I said. "He did it to save you. He's your friend Randy. Danny doesn't let anyone down, not even his friends." Sam said. "Sure, something he came be a prick about it but we know he means well." Tucker said. Sam jabbed him in the stomach, I laughed causing my head to hurt again. Danielle, Wulf, Frostbite, Pandora and small Cujo walked over. "You fought well, Sir Cunningham." Frostbite said. "Without you, Phantom wouldn't have made it out of there." Pandora said. "Well it's the opposite way around, if it wasn't for him, we both would be stuck in that hole." I said. "But you had fought well to get him out of that Thermos." Pandora said. "True." I said. "Se via amiko de Danny, via amiko." Wulf said. Tucker looked at me and said "he said 'If your Danny's friend, your my friend'" I smiled. "Thanks Wulf. Your my friend as well." I said. "Dankon Wulf. Via amiko ankaŭ." Tucker said to Wulf. Wulf smiled, grabbed me and licked me. I laughed and he placed me back on the table. "Danny's lucky to have a friend like you." Danielle said. "I'm lucky to have him as well. Me and him aren't that much different." I said. My head started hurt again. "Get some rest Sir Cunningham. We need to start on a plan to stop Vlad, Dan and that  Sorcerer of your tomorrow. Hopefully Sir Phantom will be awake in the morning." Frostbite said. "Good night guys." I said "Goodnight." They said "Bonan nokton" Wulf said. I smiled. I slowly shut my eyes and fell to sleep.

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