The Tiny Problem

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Danielle's POV

We were walking around Danny's mind. The ground started to shake, we fell to all fours to keep our balance. "What was that?" Sam asked. "Something must have happened outside." Randy said, nervously. "Hope it isn't anything bad." I said. "Yeah, let's hope." Randy said. We pushed ourselves up and kept heading forward. We walked into a room that had more pictures on the wall. I walked over to one that had me and Danny in it. It started to move around. It was when Vlad wanted Danny's morph DNA to make his perfect clone. I watched through Danny's eyes, Danny flew out of Vlads machine tired out from force stoping Vlads Machine. He flew around he house clueless on how to get out. "Alright, now how to get out of here... ark." Danny said, getting blasted by a green ray. He slammed into the book shelf. He looked up and saw me standing there. I threw another ectoplasmic ball at him and he raised his arm, creating a ectoplasmic shield, blocking my ball. "Stop fighting, I know your too weak to beat me." I said. "I don't want to fight you. Every time I fight a clone they turn into goop." Danny said. I saw myself start turning into Ectoplasmic goop. I screamed and stopped my ray. "But your not mindless like thoughts other clones." Danny said. "So let my father have your morph DNA, so he can help me." I said. Danny pushed himself up and walked towards me. "His not going to help you, your just a mess that he's not gonna clean up." Danny said. I started to get mad and blasted him again, causing him to hit the wall again. "Your wrong, and I'm going to prove it." I said. His eyes slowly shut. I started to feel guilt overwhelm me. Tears started to form in my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" Randy asked. "Yeah..." I said, holding back the tears. The video came back with Danny opening his eyes in the machine. I saw myself setting up the machine. "Already daddy." I said. "Hmm, I still don't know how I'm gonna get him to morph. Unless, unless you overshadow him my dear, force the transformation." Vlad said. "But the last clone that tried that fail, what if its not enough?" I asked. "You live to serve me, just do it." Vlad yelled. Danny gasped as tears formed in my eyes. "Your not the boss of me." I said, slamming the button to releasing Danny. Danny broke through the chains and smashed the glass, landing beside me. "Your helping me now?" He asked. "You want to ask questions or do you want to kick some butt?" I said. Vlad slowly back away. We changed into our ghost forms and blasted Vlad at the same time. The video faded and started from the beginning. I looked over to Randy and saw him amazed. "So you were created by Vlad?" Randy said. "Yeah, but Danny showed me that he was not the man I thought he was." I said. "That's Danny for yeah." Sam said. We turned and smiled. "Now come on, Danny needs us." Sam said. We followed her out of the room. "Well, well, well. Look what we got here. Trespassers." We heard. We turned around, looking down the hall way was Dan. He froze us in this green goo type thing. We struggled to get free. He walked towards us, picking us up. He brought us into a room and we saw Danny hanging from the ceiling, his eyes were barely opened. He tied us up next to him and walked out of the room. The green goo went away and we were able to move again. I screamed in pain as a shocking feeling went down my body, I changed back to my human form and the zapping stopped. "Danielle? Are you okay?" Asked Randy. "I'm fine." I huffed. "Danny!" Sam yelled. He moan in pain. Randy started to struggle to get free. "No... use." Danny said. "Don't give up that easy." Randy said. His body started to turn red as he yelled "Ninja Tango fireball." A faint fire ball came out of his hands and hit the ceiling. The chain holding him broke from the top of the ceiling and making him fall to the ground with a thump. He got up, the chains were still attached to his wrists. He blasted our chains, and Danny's. We fell to the ground, Randy catching Danny. We worked together on getting the chains off of our wrist. One by one we got the chains off, starting with Danny's, then mine, than Sam's. We were working on Randy when Dan bursted into the room. Randy quickly grabbed his sword. "Get Danny out of here." Randy yelled. We picked Danny up and ran out of the room.

Tucker's POV

We were watching Randy's, Sam's and Danielle's heart monitors. All of the sudden there hearts started to speed up. We jumped up and tried to figure out why. Then the roof above us got blasted. We all ducked for cover, pieces of the roof fell from above. Through the dust I saw Vlads figure. I jumped up, grabbing the Fenton blaster, blasting him before he grabbed Danny. I heard him screamed in pain. "Stay away from my best friend." I yelled, coughing. I heard his stupid laughter. "Well, that's a problem isn't it? I need Daniel for our plan and your three little friends are inside his mind trying to stop our plan, well let's see what I can do." Vlad said. He blasted the heart monitors. All of them were destroyed. "You bastard!" Valerie yelled. "You'll pay for that shoob!" Howard yelled. Vlad laughed. He three a bottle on the ground, out came green gas. One by one, people were dropping to the ground, I began to feel sleepy. I fell to the ground, I saw Vlad grab Danny's body and flew off. Everything went black.

Randy's POV

I was fighting Dan with the chains still around my wrist. Dan shot his ectoplasmic ray at me, I raised my arms and used the chains to block the shot. I ran at him and wrapped the chain around his neck, he laughed and disappeared from the chains, the chains fell to the ground. "No honking way." I said. He laughed some more. "You can't tan child." Dan said. "I'm not planing on running." I said. Then I remembered what Tucker said. "If someone else won the battle there could been a chance that, that person who won the battle might take over the body." "I fuss I have to run. Smoke bomb." I yelled, running away. I went to find the others. I ran into a dark room, I used my ninja glow balls to look around, I turned a corner and saw Dan standing there. He hit me in the head, causing me to fall to the ground. Everything was spinning, I slowly shut my eyes.

20 minutes later...

I slowly opened my eyes, barely. I noticed I was hanging upside down, blood dripping from my head. My eyes slowly shut again.

15 minutes later...

I barely opened my eyes again to see Dan staring at me from the ground, he flew up and started to mess around with the rope. I felt it get tighter, on one leg. I couldn't feel anything but pain in the other. My eyes slowly shut again.

Sam's POV

We got to a nice looking room, which had more memories hanging on the wall. We lied Danny against the wall. We haven't heard nor seen Randy in forever. "I'm worried." I said. "Danny will be okay now. He just has to regain his strength." Danielle said. "No, I'm not worried about that. I know he will. I mean, I'm worried about Randy. We haven't seen him in a while." I said. "He'll be fine, I'm sure he is out there looking for us right now. He knows he can't fight Dan. It has to be Danny remember." Danielle said. "That's what I'm worried about, what if Randy defeats him and takes over Danny's body, or what if Danny doesn't win the battle against Dan? What will happen to him?" I asked. "That won't happen, Danny is much stronger, he just needs to find his strength again." Danielle said. "Yeah, let's get hope Randy's okay." I said. We walked over Danny and watched over him.

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