Danny? Is that really you?

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"Run! Run guys." I yelled. No one heard me. "Say goodbye." Dan laughed. Everyone eyes widen, all I could remember was everyone yelling "No!" all at once.

Danny's POV

My body weakened a little. Smoke filled the screens.  There was silence in the room, Dan threw me a cross the room."Now that they are taken care of there is no reason for you to fight anymore." Dan said. Tears covered my eyes. A memory of my sister came to mind. "So uh Danny? I know I've been kind of hard on you lately but you know I think your great right?" Jazz said. "Yeah right. That's not what I hear." I said. "Then you've heard wrong. Look, I know you think i'm pushy and a know-it-all. I know you know that I can be a jerk sometimes." She said, cutting herself off. SHe looked at me as I smirked at her. "You know you can stop me at anytime?" She said, irrigated. "I know." I smirked. "Huh, all i'm saying is that I'm your sister and I care about you and even through you don't think I'll understand, you can talk to me about anything." She said. I looked away. "um." I said until a crash happened in the next room. After finding out the crash I shrugged off my sister and said "I don't feel like talking about it." "Yeah, I imagine not." She said. She walked over and gave me a kiss, then walked away. I looked in her direction and smiled. "Oh, gross." I saidweirdrs filled my eyes more. Another memory of me and Tucker filled my mind. "Meat wonderful meat." Tucker yelled. "How come I have the ghost powers and your the weird kid?" I asked. I laughed. "No matter how this ends, I wouldn't change it, not one bit." Sam said. She kissed me on the check. I was surprise. She looked away. I lifted her head and kissed her on the lips. "Wow. Remind me to save the world more often." I said. "Go." She said I flew into the Spector Speeder and flew into the portal. I forced my tears to a stop, anger built inside me. Sam wouldn't have given up on me nor would she give up on herself. I pushed myself up. I looked up at Dan who has relaxing on my chair. I flew over to him, full flame pushing him to the ground. He shock his head. "But why? Why do you still fight me? You know you can't win and even if you did who are your going back too? Your friends, love ones are dead." Dan said. "My parents are still alive and I fight because I don't want you ruining the city I love." I said. He smirked. "Do you really think the city cares for a teen like you? Sure you saved the world but there will be more heroes out there that will save the world, the world will forget about Danny Phantom." Dan said. "Even if my friends are dead, they would still believe in me." I said. "You have so much to learn about being alone child." Dan said. He picked me up by my throat. "You will turn into me now since your friends are dead." Dan said. "Not on my watch." I said, kicking him in the stomach. He let go of me and hit the wall.

Randy's POV

Danny's lifted his hand it started to glow green. He shot us and I saw a figure jump in front of us. "No!" We yelled. The force of the blast threw us all back into the wall, knocking us out cold.

I pushed myself off of the floor, holding my head. I grabbed the wall beside me, I looked around and saw Howard and Theresa. I tried to run over to them but a spike of pain went up my legs. I fell to the ground again with a thump. I looked up and saw Danny just floating there, his eyes were doll. "Theresa? Howard? Is anyone okay?" I asked. "Urg, my head." I heard. "Jazz?" I asked. "Randy?" She said. "Where are you? It's hard to see." I said. "I'm not sure." She said. "Can you move?" I asked. "Yeah, can you?" She asked. "I could but it would be very painful." I said. "Just keep talking, I'll follow your voice." She said. "Sam? Frostbite? Cujo? Wulf? Can anyone else hear me?" I called out. Then I heard coughing. "Who is coughing?" I asked. "Me Sir Cunningham, it's Frostbite." Frostbite said. "Can you see anyone around you?" I asked. There was a moment of silence. "No, I don't think so." He said. Jazz came into view. "Jazz!" I said. "Jesus, your legs look worse now, we need to get you to the hospital." She said. "No time. We need to save Danny." I said. "Sir Cunningham?" Frostbite yelled. "I'm still here, can you move?" I asked. "Yes, I'm trying to find you or others at this very moment." Frostbite said. "Good." I said. "Jazz, go see if Howard and Theresa are okay." I said. She nodded. She walked over to them. I saw Frostbite appear. "Frostbite over here." I said. The smoke became clearer, I saw Sam and Vlad next to each other. "I though Vlad was behind all of us with Fright Knight, there's no honking way he could have gotten thrown forwards." I said. "Your right." Frostbite said. "Can you bring them over here please?" I asked. He nodded. He flew over to them, picked them both up and brought them over. Jazz pulled over Theresa and went back for Howard. It took her a little long to bring Howard over. "How much does this kid eat?" She asked. "Ha, a lot." I said.  She smiled. Fright Knight, Pandora, Cujo and Wulf walked over to us through the smoke. "Is this everyone?" I asked. "I think. Wait Tucker's drone, that thing is probably smashed now." Jazz said. "Wait where's Danielle?" Frostbite asked. "I'm right here, I have some pieces of the drone but Jazz was right, it did smash." Danielle said, appearing out of the smoke. We looked up at Danny. Sam, Howard and Theresa started to wake up. "Hey Sam? Got anymore of those hand cuffs?" I asked. "Yeah, I have one more." She said, in pain. She passed them to Danielle. She flew over to Danny and hand cuffed him. She pulled him towards us. "I wonder what's going on inside his head right now." Theresa said. "Probably the battle of his life." We heard. We all turned and saw Oliver at the door. "Hey buddy." We said. "Hey, I sent you to go help Danny when this all started, do you know how they got fused together?" I asked. "He went through a portal, on the other side was a bunch of machine, he put Danny inside one of them and punched some stuff into a computer then I attacked him and ended up pushing him into the machine, his body disappeared and had fused inside of Danny's mind." Oliver explained. "He went through a portal with machines? Holy crap do you think he went to Vlads?" Jazz asked. "That sounds like Vlad's place to me." Danielle said. "We need to head over there now." Sam said. "Wait, we are missing Valerie." Theresa said. We looked around. "Found her, she's still knocked out." Howard yelled. "Put her on my horse with Randy." Fright Knight said. Frostbite place me, Danny and Valerie on Fright knight's horse. "Um guys? I don't think Vlad is breathing." Pandora said. "Wait what?" Danielle said. "Ya know why? He jumped in front of the blast, that's why we aren't dead." Sam said. "No honking way, I can't believe he would do that." I said. "Neither did we." Jazz said. "Then lets just leave him here." Sam said. "No, we can't do that, it isn't right." Theresa said. "I'll carry him, lets just get out of here." Pandora said.  She grabbed him. Frostbite grabbed the infinite map out of his belt. "Take us to Vlad's portal." He said. A purple circle went around us and we zoomed out of the hospital.

Sam's POV

We were inside Vlad's house. Pandora laid Vlad on the ground, Maddie his pet cat walked on top of him and laid with him.  I pulled out a Fenton Thermos, Fright Knight came through the portal with Clockwork. "So you guys have Dan captured?" He asked. "Not just yet. We have to unfuse him from Danny first." Randy said. Frostbite was working on Randy's legs. "Ow! Easy would ya." Randy yelled. "Sorry, but it's gonna hurt a bit." Frostbite said. Theresa sat next to him so did Howard. Jazz and Danielle was beside me. Danny was inside the machine. Tucker was brought here by Pandora, he was working on unfusing Dan. Clockwork walked over to us and stood behind us. Wulf, Pandora and Fright Knight did too, Cujo sat in front of us. "That should do it." Tucker said. He pressed a button, Danny started to scream as flashes of blue, green an red lit the lab. Smoke filled the lab. We saw a bigger body start to appear in the other machine. I grabbed my Fenton Thermos, as soon as the machine was done, after Danny stop screaming, I sucked in Dan back into the Thermos and closed the lid, locking it up and passing it to Clockwork. He nodded. "You did well children." Clockwork said. We all patiently waited for the smoke to clear so we could see Danny.

Danny's POV

Everything had went black. Did Dan finally take full control? Was I dead? I heard mumbling all around me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a room full of smoke, I was weak. I noticed that I was in my human form. I noticed I was in a machine of some sort. I waved the smoke away as best as I could. I saw nine figures in front of me. I stopped moving and stood still. Tears formed in my eyes. "Danny?" The soft familiar voice said.

Alright quick question. Would anyone who reads this, either now or in the future want me to make a third book? If so would you want I to be one about them being grown ups or just like they are now? Feel free to leave your answer in the comments. Anyways sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes and I'll take to you all later.

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