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Danny's POV

I flew around looking everywhere for Vlad. I flew over to Norrisville, anger was running through me, I couldn't believe my sister, always thinking I can't handle myself. I flew to the school and saw Vlad floating outside the school. "I can't believe you actually find find me." Vlad said. "Believe me, when a friend is in danger, I'll always find him or the villain." I said. Vlad laughed. He spilt in four different Vlads. He grabbed me and flew me under the school, I saw Randy tugging on these golden hand cuffs. "Randy!" I yelled. "Danny? What the honk are you doing here?" Randy said. "I came to rescue you." I yelled. "They are going to torture you!" Randy yelled. "Not necessary." I said. I set my body on fire, Vlad let me go, I shot the cuffs causing them to break. Randy grabbed his ninja mask and placed it over his head. I flew towards him, I grabbed him and heard a ghostly wail. My flame went out and I fell off of the plate form, I changed back to normal. Randy used the scarf to grab me, he started to pull me up when Vlad walked over top of him. "Randy watch out." I yelled. "Say goodnight Randall." Vlad yelled. Randy turned around and got stabbed on the right side of his body. He screamed in pain, slowly letting me go. "Randy!" I yelled, tears formed in my eyes. Vlad smiled and flew away. I saw his body slowly start to fall off of the plate form since I was weighing him down. "Come on, change back." I yelled. I finally changed back to normal and flew upwards on the plate form. I grabbed Randy's shoulders and started to shake him. "Randy? Randy? Come on!" I said, starting to cry. He moaned in pain, his eyes were barely opened. I picked him up and said "I'll get us home." "I wouldn't do that if I was you." I heard. I turned around and saw The Sorcerer. "You must be The Sorcerer, the thing that turns kids into monsters." I said. "And you must be this famous Danny Phantom, I've heard so much about." He said. "What do you want?" I said, getting right to the point. "I want the Ninja." He said. "What did you do to them?" I asked. "Only poisoned him with my blood." He said. I shot my ectoplasmic ray him. "How do I cure him?" I yelled. "Only in the land of the shadows will you find the three things to make the cure. A pink Flower, a skull of the toughest monsters named the Chimera and the blood of a Centaur." The Sorcerer. "Wow, you just told him the cure, you aren't that smart." I looked up and saw Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Howard. "Guys, get out of here." I yelled. I turned back at the Sorcerer, I blasted him again. He slide on the ground and pushed himself back up, he blasted me with stank but it wasn't effecting me. I screamed in pain. He stopped and I fell on the ground. "Danny!" They yelled. Then a sharp pain went up my body. I screamed even louder then before, I felt liquid going side me. "Now to get ride of you once and for all." The Sorcerer said, laughing. My eyes slowly shut.

Jazz's POV

He slowly walked over to Danny and Randy. "Take these! They may help you." Tucker said. "The Fenton Phones?" I said. "Trust me." Tucker said. I jumped down the whole and rolled to the ground, Howard joined me. There was a portal that was opened, The Sorcerer threw Danny and Randy inside the portal, these yellow and blue snake like things grabbed them and pulled them into the portal. Howard grabbed me and dragged us into the portal. I screamed loudly.

Sam's POV

I was about to cry. Tucker grabbed me and we bolted back to the house.

When we got there, Jack and Maddie were waiting at the door. "Did you guys find Randy and Danny?" Jack asked. "Yes but The Sorcerer poisoned them both and threw them into a portal! The only cure is in this place called the Land of Shadows. A pink flower, a skull of the toughest monsters named the Chimera and the blood of a Centaur. Jazz and Howard jumped after them." Tucker said. I started to cry, Theresa heard the whole thing and ran over to me. She hugged me and started to cry too. Both of our boyfriends could possibly die. "How long do they have?" Fright Knight asked. "If I'm correct, the poison should start effecting them right away, but doesn't actually kill them until the second day. So technically three days if you count today" Tucker said. "That should be enough time to collect all the things right?" I asked. "If nothing gets in their way." Tucker said. I was so worried for Danny and Theresa was worried.

Jazz's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that the world was bright yellow and orange, we were on a tiny island floating in the middle of no where. I noticed Danny was back to normal and Randy was lying there in his ninja suit. I ran over to Danny. "Danny? Can you hear me?" I asked. He moaned in pain. "Danny, listen to me, I will find the three things a cure you." I said. "What about Randy?" Howard asked. "We'll save Sandy too." I said. "It's Randy! Not Sandy." Howard yelled. "Whatever! Either way we'll save them." I said. "We better or you'll be sorry." Howard said. I rolled my eyes. I buzz came from my ears. "Jazz? Howard? Can you hear me?" "Tucker?" I asked. "Oh thank god, listen here. Danny and Randy only have two days, three if you count today. You guys got to start looking." Tucker said. "How are we going to carry Randy and Danny?" Howard asked. "It's called not being lazy and actually carry them." Tucker said. "Urg, I'm not the one being lazy, I dragged us through this portal in the first place." Howard mumbled. "We'll save them, don't worry ghost catcher number three."  I said. "Your still using those stupid code names?" Tucker said, irritated. "Yup." I said. "Contract us when your find anything." Tucker said. "Gotta." I said. I picked up Danny and Howard picked up Randy. We were off.

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