Look Alive Sunshine(a MCR fanfic)

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I sighed as I walked down the familiar road to my house. These last few days of school had been boring as fuck. Only those movies about safety regulations. The World War was coming they all said, but I knew it wasn't. No one cared about a little town in Michigan when the war was more by California. My red, curly hair blew in my face as the wind picked up, but I ignored it, walking a little bit faster. When would the jackasses that thought they ruled this world realize there was no reason for a war, they just needed to talk everything out? I sighed again. Stupid fucking adults.

"Hey! Casey!" someone yelled behind me. I turned and a huge grin came to my face. My two best friends, Katharine and Aurora(though u better call her Gerard or she will beat you) were running for me, both a little pink in the face from running.

"Why in the hell am I getting chased by you freaks?" I asked with sarcasm, giving both of them giant hugs. Katharine laughed, but Gee slapped my arm, hard. I just smiled wider at her, and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Really guys, why are you following me?" I asked.

"Well, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out today, we misses you" she said, ending with a slight pouty face.

"Of course!" I said, laughing.

We turned the other way and walked to Gee's house, laughing practically the whole way. When we got inside, me and Kat said hi to Gee's mom, getting a small smile in return. After the terrible(cue sarcasm) climb upstairs, we sat cross legged in the middle of Gee's floor in a little circle and just talked. We were hysterically laughing when Gee's mom came and told me my parents wanted me to go home now. I sighed and got up only to get tackeled back down. Laughing and trying to peel Gee from my legs to get up, I said bye to Kat, then kinda hugged Gee's head before wiggling out of her grasp and running for her door. They both shouted good bye at me as I closed Gee's door, making me chuckle as I desended the stairs. I waved a good bye to Mrs. Wessel before running out of the house. The walk home was cold, since the sun went down and the wind had gotten worse. When I finally did get home and kissed my mom hello, I ran up the stairs and then to my room. With a smile on my face from earlier, I plopped onto my bed, pulling homework out of my white and black bag.

"Sweetheart, how was your day?" my dad asked.

"Fine, I got to hang out with Gee and Kat for a little bit after school." I said, my smile getting bigger from the memory.

"That's good. I want you coming home at least sooner from now on though, ok?" he asked

I frowned, but eventually agreed, nodding my head.

"Good girl. Now, lights out, bed time!" he said before turning to go to his room. With yet another sigh, I got into my pj's and then turned my lights out before kicking all my homework off my bed.


"Run!" I heard, not knowing where it was coming from. I was in a really dark room, barely able to see anything. I fumbled around before seeing a bright red thing run by. I blinked, trying to see better, only to get dragged by the red thing. I screamed, but only for a second. The red thing turned and looked at me, then recognition hit. It was him. I closed my mouth, suddenly relaxed even though I was still practically blind. Then I heard more people behind us, running and screaming in pain and fear. I had the strangest feeling to look for someone, to see if they were ok, but I didn't know who I would look for. Then everything changed. I was in a house, only it was barely standing with no windows. The ripped and see through drapes blew in the wind, causing creepy shadows to dance on the wall. Everything was covered in a layer of dust, the chairs, tables, and even old photos. I could see better, but no one was here, I could tell. I stood up off the couch I had been laying on and walked to a room I thought was the kitchen, only to run into a really white thing on the other side. Immediately, fear froze me, though I had no idea what the thing was.


I woke with a start. A slight sheet of sweat covered my forehead and my back, making me feel dirty for some reason. I blinked and rubbed my eyes a little before I looked at my alarm clock. Oh well, I had to wake up in about 30 minutes, better get up now I thought. Yawning, I slid out from under my covers and walked down stairs, the dream slipping from my mind with every step. I grabbed an apple, then walked back up the dreadful stairs to get ready for school. When I was done, I ran down to the door, gave both my parents a small peck on the cheek, and skipped to school. Meeting Gee and then Kat on the way, we linked arms and skipped to school, ignoring all the stares we got.

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