A new start

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Excited as hell to have been accepted, me and kat jumped up and down like retards as Gee did an awkward dance, making us all laugh. Hysterically. Again.

"You guys are a riot." said Fun Ghoul, a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it's a kind of relief really." Said Party, who absent-mindedly slung his arm around Gee's shoulders. Her shocked face was priceless, but then she just relaxed against him. And that made Kat do a little freak out dance thing where she started awkwardly laughing. Soon we were all laughing again and even Kobra Kid chuckled, which awkwardly enouch sent shivers down my spine. Oh god.

We started walking back to where everyone else was, and us girls were surprised to see the progress that had been made. With everyone's help, most of the bodies were moved and some had already left in their cars.

I heard Jet Star mutter something about a Gracie and he was off to a trailer a ways away. Party Poison and Fun Ghoul both sighed simoltaneously, walking towards the last few bodies to help, Gee following behind also. Kobra Kid stayed with me and Kat, all three of us taking in the sight in front of us. Saddness rushed through me, almost taking my breath away. As I was again scanning everyting, Kobra Kid leaned down to my ear and whispered,

"You know, since you're not just any Killjoy, but one on the inside, you're gonna be coming with us. And you definetely need help shooting a laser gun."

I just nodded, not really registering anything he said in my head. After a half hour of watching everyone leave and go their seperate ways, Kobra led us to the trailer where the others were waiting.

"So, it's a little cramped, but we should all fit somehow." Dancing said, opening the door. It was on the small side, but you could tell where people slept. There were tons of pillows and blankets on the floor of the trailer, some in groups like a nest. There was a tiny kitchen on the left of the door and an even smaller bathroom across from it. Other then that, it was all open in the back.

"We had to remove the table to make room to sleep." Kobra Kid explained, closing the door behind him. All of a suddenly, a pile of blankets moved. I almost screamed, but everyone elses laughter put me at ease quickly. Jet Star came out of the bathroom and loudly said,

"Has anyone seen Gracie? She went missing." as he stomped around. I heard muffled laughter and immediately realized Gracie was a child. I smiled widely because I LOVE kids! Jet Star lifted the blanket and Gracie screamed, only to start laughing as he started tickeling her. everyone dispersed to seperate piles of pillows, sitting down and starting seperate discussions.

"Girls, meet my daughter, Gracie." Star said, a proud smile on his face and beaming eyes. I could easily tell he loved her.

"Hi Gracie!" Kat practically screamed, smiling warmly. Gracie laughed and gave each of us a hug before running to Flaming and Gasoline.

"Those girls are always together." Jet said before joining Party, Kobra, and Fun up front by the steering wheel. I looked at Kat and Gee, both who were on my right, and then we sat down on random pillows. A few minutes later, all the guys except Fun Ghoul came back and the trailer started up.


"Alrighty, sleeping arrangment." Party announced. Immediately peoople split off to show where they slept, leaving us three awkwardly sitting in the middle of the floor. Flaming and Gasoline were together, Dancing Shadows and Whispering soul were together, Dream Catcher had earlier said he prefered to sleep alone, and the other four guys slept seperate, thought Gracie slept with Star of course.

"So, as awkward as this is gonna be, you have to either salvage the last four pillows to somehow make a bed for all three of you, or sleep with us." He said with an apoligetic look.

"I call Atomic!" Fun Ghoul practically screamed. Kat nodded in consent and moved to sit by him.

"Decay?" Party asked.

"Could I sleep with you?" she asked quietly. I swear she blushed and I almost laughed. She hardly ever blushes, if ever. Party nodded and that left me and Kobra Kid.

"I guess we're sleeping buddies." I said before chuckling quietly, making him softly smile.

"Actually, you know, I could share." Lucas said. I rose an eyebrow at him, standing between his 'bed' and Kobra Kids'.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Flaming asked before laughing with Gasoline in a knowing way. I just smiled and said,

"It's ok, we're good." I looked at Kobra KId though to make sure. He nodded and scooted over a little, leaving more space for me. I smiled and sat next to him. I didn't miss the disappointed look on Lucas' face however.

"Well with that settled, lets get some much needed sleep." Party Poison said before turning off the couple lights. Jet Star cut off the engine and soon almost everyone was out. Almost because I couldn't get to sleep.

"You up?" I heard Kobra Kid ask quietly beside me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I know it's hard, but you'll get used to it. I'll help you if you need it." He said, rolling over so he was facing me. I couldn't see him in the dark but I could feel him close to me and his breath just barely touching my face. I smiled and replied,

"Thanks." Then I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. I did, before I was completely unconscience, felt Kobra Kid pull a blanket around us, warming me up immediately.

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