Down hill from here

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Kate POV
I saw a bright white light. I started to walk to it.
"What are you doing, a little boy said. "Going to the light, isn't that what you suppose to do when you want to die, I asked.
"Nope you can't die" he said smiling widely.
"And why not," I said getting annoyed. "Because we have an Angel coming to save you," he said smiling again. "Nope," I said no running to the light. He looked at me weirdly and snapped his fingers and the light was gone. "Wh-why did you do that, it was my only escape from that hell hole." I said, the boy was making me angry.
"I told you, your not going back now I'll see you when it's your time to die," he said then all I saw was darkness.
I woke up to the sound of beeping. All I saw was white and smelled a clean smell like bleach. "Oh good your awake, the nurse said. I looked around for Hannah, of course she wasn't there.
•A week later•

I signed a form and walked out the hospital I took out my iPhone and put my earbuds in while In The End came on by Black Veil Brides. I walked all way home.
"I'm back you guys. Hello is anybody home." I walk to the refrigerator and they had two notes one from dad said I'm gonna be gone for two months on a business trip, signed your father. The second one from Hannah, out with Ivan won't be back till tomorrow, love Hannah.
So I decide to order pizza. I open the door and the most beautifulest girl showed up.
"Ummmm hello your total is $25.10, she said, she had the cutest voice. "Your pretty," did I just say that out loud.
"Well your hot yourself, but I need you to pay," she said blushing a little.
"Oh ok umm here's 25.10 and a 25.00 tip." She blushed harder.
"So what's your name," I asked shyly. "Angel and yours" she replied.
"Kate" I said smiling happily.
"Hey angel do you wanna come in.
"I asked.
"Sure,"she said,
"But I have to go back I'm new here and drop this pizza off because the place was over filled with orders.
"Ok I'll be here when you get back."
Omfg calm down she probably straight. Yea but if she's not they said they was sending a angel. But who knows maybe it's not her. But it's nice to have a friend. I brought a few blankets and pillows. I also got some popcorn and skittles. Ding dong!!!! she's here. I ran and opened the door.
___________________________Author note hai you guy I most of yall is like when is it gonna get to the sexy part just note it's coming don't worry. ok bai till next time vote, comment, and follow wuv chu guys.

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