Its time for a change

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Angels POV
"Ok we need to get her to surgery, immediately," a man said. There was yes sir from many people. We have a bullet through her third rib, I believe that was the doctor. I open my eyes to see wall moving all around me. Oh wait I'm just moving. I look around for Kate, while they hooked me up to the machines. Then all of a sudden I went under.
Hannah's POV
I was surprise when Daniel told me Kate was gay. I had got really mad because all that time and she didn't tell me any of it. I feel betrayed and I exactly how to get her back.
Me: Tiffany I have something one Kate.
Tiffany: spill it girl
Me: Kate's gay
Tiffany: no way
Me: yes and she was raped
Tiffany: what by who
Me: this guy name Daniel he is in college
Tiffany: your kidding.
Me: nope
Tiffany: I can't wait to tell everyone
Me: ik I want to see her face.
Tiffany: Gtg ttyl
Me: ok ttyl
Wow I feel better I wonder what her face will be like on Monday when she finds out everyone knows. I got up and took a shower and washed my hair with this special shampoo that gets dye out. awe back to blonde. I took all my emo looking clothes and threw them in a pile I'll give them away. I went outside and got my bags clothes I just bought. I took out my cheek piercings, tongue, and my third one on each ear. I wonder how long they'll take to close I put my night clothes on and got in the bed.
Two weeks later
Angels POV
It's been two week since I've been in this hospital and Kate has woke up yet. I got to share a room with her. My sister and brother had been up here every chance they get. but Kate has had no visitors.
"Where am I" a voice said. I looked over to see Kate's eyes open and she sat.
"Your in a hospital," I told her. "What how long have I been here?!" She said looking around. "Two weeks" I said casually.
"Oh" she replied.
"Hey I wanted to thank you came and saved me, you really didn't have to," I said looking at her.
"But I did angel. how could I leave you that was my fault he shouldn't have done that," she said looking straight back at me. For a while we looked straight in each eyes. Till someone cleared their throat. "Well hello Kate I'm doctor Richard. He said a man who looked no older than 20.
"And angel here was suppose to get me when you woke up." I couldn't do any thing but blush.
"Anyway if everything proceeds right you should be able to leave in two weeks.
"Mkay" she said.
"Okay hey said as he was leaving.
"How do you feel."
"Ummm I'm ok where did he shoot me." She asked.
"In your stomach."
"Oh ok."
We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Hey Kate how come no on came to visit you." I asked."
"My parents died three years ago. After they disowned me, they went for a car ride and the police said that they had died in a crash. We didn't really have any money so I only 270,000 like my brother. I was living with him but then I went to a sleepover at Hannah's I came back home no one was there. I kept living own for a few months till Hannah convinced her dad let me stay with her." I was listening to everything thing she said feeling sad I just wanted to go up and hug her. "So yea and just because I dress this way I'm consider outsider, freak, and other. I get called a slut everyday. I haven't even had more than one boyfriend. Not to mention he raped me." I just looked at her with so much sympathy. "Anyway I have depression, anxiety, anorexia, and I'm bipolar," she continued," That's about it." she said looking at me.
You don't know how much I wanna hug you right now. I said tears coming down my face. She giggled, "what's your story."
"Well mine isn't as sad. But a year ago I was taking my little siblings to the baseball park. I had two little brothers and I had forgot to get the mitts so I ran back to the car and when I came back they was gone. I kept calling there name but got no reply." I saw my self shaking I knew I was about to have a panic attack. I kept trying to grasp the air but I couldn't breath. "Somebody help" was the last thing I heard.
So you guy how you like it ask meh some question and I'll be sure to answer them. Hope chu wuv it
Wuv chu guys <3 don't let the luv die

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