The Last Text

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We can not be going through this again...once was enough but another anonymous text is just to much and we can't handle it! Especially not when Alyssa's pregnant. Whoever this is could easily hurt her and the baby. We have to figure out what who the hell would want to hurt us. 

"Alright we need to figure this out." Jack said. "Whoever this person is could hurt all of us like really bad." As Jack was talking I saw Corbyn nod at Ariel to go upstairs. So she went upstairs and a few minutes later he followed. Something was definitely going on between them so I decided to follow. When I got to Corbyn's room, I heard them talking so I stayed right beside the door.

"Do you think this anonymous person knows? About us?" Corbyn was saying.

"Corbyn there is no way they could know that your my brother. Mom and dad separated us when I was born. WE didn't even know we were related until Logan and Jake told us." She said. WHAT THE HELL?! CORBYN AND ARIEL ARE SIBLINGS?! So...CORBYN IS MY COUSIN TOO?!

"I know...I just...I don't think we should tell the others." He had said.

"Why? I mean I get it would be really confusing at first but we have to tell the truth. If this person really knows everything we could be in a lot of danger." I could hear the fear in her voice and I saw Corbyn hug her.

"I know sis I know but...we have to keep our heads down, like you said before there is no way they could know. But I can promise you one thing..." He was saying and she looked at him "I will NOT let ANYONE hurt you ok? I love you." He hugged her tighter.

"I love you too big brother." She replied. I went downstairs as calmly as I could...WHAT THE HELL did I just hear?! I heard a knock on the door so I went to go answer it. It was Logan and Jake.

"Hey Kyra we need to talk to Ariel and Corbyn it's important." Jake said and Logan nodded.

"Yeah they're hanging out in Corbyn's room." Logan and Jake ran up to Corbyn's room as fast as they could. Wait where the hell were they going? I know I really shouldn't be eaves dropping but I followed them anyway. Again I was outside of Corbyn's room. I needed to find out what the fuck was going on.

"Guys I have some bad news and I know neither of you are gonna like it." Logan was saying. I took a quick peek and saw all of them hugging. Wait...if the Paul family adopted Ariel they must've adopted Corbyn too. I felt someone behind me and when I looked I saw Alyssa. I told her everything. It's our business too! Ariel is OUR cousin! And...I guess Corbyn is too. Alyssa was just as shocked as me and we decided to eaves drop some more. 

"Your biological parents...they broke out of jail the police are doing everything they can to find them and don't worry we told mom and dad OUR mom and dad and they are doing everything to protect us." Jake explained.

"They can't find us! Do you remember what they did to us?! What they did to my sister?!" Corbyn was getting protective now.

"Corbyn she's our sister too...and whether you like it or not your our brother you have to trust us." Logan said. Corbyn backed up but I could tell he was not happy about this situation. Before anything else could happen, Alyssa dragged me into the kitchen.

"Alyssa what the hell are you doing?! They lied to us!" I was furious.

"STOP KYRA...ok I get that they lied to us but they did it to keep each other safe." Alyssa explained. "When they were talking, I finally figured it out."

"What do you mean? You better have a damn good explanation." I said.

"Think about it...they didn't tell us because they wanted to protect each other and us. Because if we had no idea Corbyn and Ariel were siblings, we wouldn't be put in danger. But with their parents on the loose, of course it would be dangerous to tell us." Alyssa was saying.

"That doesn't make sense...why would their parents not want them to know their siblings?" I asked.

"Because siblings are always stronger together." Alyssa said. That did make sense. "AND if they didn't know they were siblings, they would be weaker because they wouldn't be protecting each other." Alyssa finished.

"OK makes sense I'm sorry I just got mad. Corbyn's our cousin and we didn't even know. I just wished they would've told us." I sighed and Alyssa hugged me.

"Well their trying to protect us and each other like I said they wouldn't just lie for no reason." Alyssa smiled and it made me smile. My smile soon faded though, after I read the text Alyssa and I both got.

" both snooped around and found something you weren't supposed to know! Now tell the others what you've discovered or your not gonna like your punishment...Anonymous." I finished.

"Kyra whatever punishment it is we have to take it." Alyssa said.

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"We can't do that to Ariel and Corbyn!" Alyssa yelled.

"Well we don't have a choice! I'm not taking some shitty punishment for them." I grabbed Alyssa's hand and dragged her t the living room where everyone was still sitting but when I walked in they all looked at me.

"Corbyn and Ariel are siblings...Corbyn is Ariel's older brother they were separated when Ariel was born and they haven't told any of us because they feel like their protecting us. Logan and Jake also adopted Corbyn but didn't tell them they were actually siblings until a year ago I'm guessing so that makes Corbyn our cousin too I guess." I finished and everyone was staring at us in shock.

"Kyra.." Alyssa whispered and I looked behind me and Ariel, Logan, Jake, and Corbyn were standing behind us. Shit. Ariel started grabbing her stuff to leave. I know I fucked up but I was mad and I didn't know what to do.

"Ari I-" I tried to stop her but she completely ignored me and left. 

"Why?" Corbyn looked at me. "Why can't you just keep a secret Kyra?"

"Why can't you just tell the truth?!" I looked at Corbyn.

"We were gonna tell you guys when it was SAFE! Ariel was scared to say anything because our parents are out but Kyra didn't tell you guys that did she?! NO! Because she likes to play the victim!" Corbyn yelled.

"OK OK GUYS STOP!" Jonah stood between us. "Corbyn it's ok none of us are mad we were just shocked and I get why you lied but you and me need to work on finding Ariel before someone else does." Jonah looked at Corbyn and he nodded. Then they both got in the car and left. 

"That was fucked up Kyra." Daniel said as he and Melanie walked upstairs. 

"Guys Im sorry I know I fucked up I was just mad." I sighed calming down. Zach hugged me and kissed my head.

"It's ok baby everything will be ok just give them time to cool down." Zach said.

"I only did it because of this stupid Anonymous person." I had started crying. My whole life had been me Ariel and Alyssa and I just turned Ariel away. She's never gonna forgive me. Zach wiped my tears and kissed me.

"Baby..." Zach said and he hugged me tighter.

Then Jack spoke up..."We have to find out who this Anonymous person is guys. Whoever it is their trying to tear us apart...and their doing a damn good job of it."

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