Games part 1

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I woke up in a dark place it was tight and cramped. I couldn't move and I couldn't reach my phone. What the hell? Am I in a coffin?! I tried to open the top but I could barely move. I was thinking for a good five minutes.

Alright Jack, if your in a coffin underground you need to stay calm. Think this through...what would Batman do? Damn it I don't know. Ok just keep moving.

I started swaying back in forth in the box and realized I wasn't underground...just in a box. I started pushing myself more and more towards the edge of wherever I was. Then I fell and the coffin cracked open.

"OW! Damn it!" I yelled in pain. I hurt my wrist when I fell. When I looked around I was in a room but not in MY room. "Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. I tried to open the door but it was locked. Then I did the most stupidest thing I could've done and rammed my shoulder against the door. It was a metal door. "OWW FUCK THIS!" I screamed and pulled out my phone. No internet or cellphone service. "Great." I mumbled and sat on the bed.



I had woken up in a unfamiliar place. The door was locked and I had been sitting on the bed for a good 10 minutes trying to get out. I tried the window but the only thing behind it was brick. All of a sudden I heard Jack screaming and cussing. 

Yes! I'm not alone!

"Jack?!" I screamed hoping he could hear me.

"Zach?!" he yelled back.

"Guys?!" I recognized Jonah's voice. 

"JONAH!" I yelled.

"Corbyn?!" Jack yelled.

"I'M HERE!" He replied.

"Daniel?!" Corbyn yelled.

"I'm ok!!" We heard him yell back. 



Ok I knew I wasn't alone now. But I still had so many questions. 

Where the hell are we?

"Guys?!" I yelled. "Are we the only ones here?!"

"I think so!" I think that was Jack. All of a sudden the doors opened. We all saw each other and hugged each other.

"Guys we need to get out of here." Corbyn nodded to a ladder. We all ran towards the ladder and I helped them all up. Since Im the oldest I decided to go last.



When we got out we all fell to the ground. 

Fresh air!

"That must be some kind of underground bunker." I said once  we got out and we were all safe.

"Who would want to kidnap us?" Daniel asked.

"Probably about millions of fangirls." Zach said.

"Well our fans are cool they don't do this kind of thing." Jonah replied.

I looked around.

"Wait a minute I know where we are!" I said shivering 

"Where?" Jack asked.

I pointed to a sign that said New York. "We're in NY." I said.

"How the hell did we get from Los Angeles to New York?!" Daniel asked. He was a bit scared and confused. I shook my head.

"I have no idea." I said. I called our manager and told him everything and he said he would come for us immediately. But...he also had some bad news. When I got off the phone I was almost in tears.

"Corbyn?" Jonah asked. "What's wrong?" 

"The girls went missing too...we have no idea where they are."

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