Let the pain begin

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*A'S P.O.V*

I could see them all through the cameras. Corbyn, Jack, Zach, Daniel, Jonah, Melanie, Kyra, Alyssa, Christina, and Ariel. I was about to make their lives a living hell. I have this whole day planned out.



I was sitting on the bed with Zach. I was completely shaken up about the whole A thing. None of this made any sense. Who the hell could possibly know this much about me?! I heard the front door open and Alyssa, Daniel, and Ariel had come home. Alyssa had pulled me downstairs into the basement away from everyone. Ariel followed her though and Melanie and Christina.

"Explain this." Alyssa said while holding a picture of Cody and I kissing at a party.

"Uh that's photo shopped." I lied. Damn it.

"Really?" Alyssa said as she showed more pictures of Cody and I kissing multiple times and holding hands and going on dates. 

"You broke up me and Cody and you lied to me for so long!" Alyssa yelled with tears in her eyes. 

"Alyssa forget it it's in the past I'm sorry!" I started tearing up to.

"I don't care that it's in the past! I care that you lied to me and you lied for so long and you were never gonna tell me were you?!" She yelled at me and I stayed silent. "KYRA!" She yelled again.

"No no I wasn't gonna tell you because your a stuck up bitch!" I yelled out of anger and immediately regretted it as soon as I saw her actually start to cry. "Wait I didn't mean it I'm sorry."

"You know...I'm not upset that you lied to me...right now I'm upset I can't believe you anymore." She said and it broke my heart.



I have never been more mad at Kyra in my life. I was about to leave when Ariel stopped me.

"Your not so perfect either Alyssa." She said

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked Of course I was playing dumb.

"You don't remember how you put me through hell? How YOUR the one who got me beat almost everyday?" She said while tearing up and then I tried to apologize but nothing would come out.

"Well I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can't fucking take a punch." I said out of anger that was when the boys came downstairs cause they heard us yelling. Out of nowhere Ariel punched me. 

"LOOKS LIKE YOUR THE ONE WHO CAN'T TAKE A FUCKING PUNCH!" She yelled I was about to get up when Jack held me back and I could see Jonah holding Ariel back. Wait were they back together? "Do you realize how scared I was everyday?! How everytime I got beat I cried on the ground for hours?! How there were so many days I wanted to end it all?! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" She kept yelling at me. It broke me...this was the girl I promised I would protect and love forever and I let her down. I was so angry though I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"Maybe that's one of the reasons Theo cheated on you so many times!" I yelled, "Because you were always upset and crying and weak and no one wanted to be around you! YOU WERE A HOPELESS WRECK!" I regretted everything I said but I wouldn't say it.

"You know what Alyssa? When it comes to lies and truths I would much rather hear a painful truth then a comforting lie. If you tell me the truth I'm gonna be mad for a while but I'll find a way to get over it. If you lie to me I'm never gonna be able to trust you again. You made your choice. And I'm sorry if whenever I went to you and told you how I felt I was being honest I forget you ONLY tell lies and it looks like you've gotten really good at it." She said as I was still crying. Jonah didn't let her go. We all knew if he did she would beat the hell out of me. Honestly I was feeling like a shitty person and I deserved it.



"If we're all exposing each other maybe it's my turn." I heard Christina say. "Why? Why did you hang up on my brother that night?" My heart stopped for a second

"I...was just in a really bad mood I don't know what happened I'm so sorry Christina if I could change it you know I would. I regretted not telling you but I knew if I did tell you it would only break you more I wanted to tell you but once I saw that you were doing better I just couldn't I made a mistake and I never forgave myself for it. And if we're really gonna play this little game right now, why did you cheat on me?" I looked at her already tears streaming down my face.

"I...I was drunk Corbyn I didn't mean it. I wasn't even trying to drink I just wanted to try it a little then I got hooked and I was completely out of my mind. The next day when I remembered everything that happened I...I regret it I'm so so sorry." She was crying too but I stayed a good distance away.



I was watching everyone practically break each other and I had enough.

"Guys this is what Anonymous wants! To separate us and destroy us so we're weak."

Thats when I heard Melanie speak up.

"Daniel don't act like your not hiding anything either. We all know about your abusive parents and suicide attempt. Were you really that depressed?" She asked

"I don't know how did it feel while you were cheating on me when I wasn't home?" I asked getting pissed off.



I was sitting on the ground with Alyssa nervously. All the secrets and pain was beggining if they all knew each others secrets, that meant Zach definitely knew mine.

"Yeah and how did it feel when you broke me and Chloe up Jack?" Zach asked.

"You know what Zach it felt amazing because she was a bitch!" I yelled standing up. Zach immediately punched me so I punched him back and we started fighting. Before we could get to much into the fight, gas came in through the whole basement and then I passed out.



Jake and I had decided it had been a while since we hung out with Corbyn, Alyssa, Kyra, and Ariel. Of course Ariel stayed with me most of last year because of her and Jonah breaking up, but I haven't seen her in weeks. So Jake and I went up to the boys house but the door was already open which was wierd.

"Uh hello? Anyone here?!" Jake called through the house. We then heard crying from upstairs.  We both ran upstairs as fast as we could and ran to the source of the crying.

"Omg. Bella, Tyler, Luna, Alana, and Lucas?" Jake asked. "Why would they just leave them here?"

"You stay with the kids I'll check downstairs somethings not right." I left him and went downstairs. I walked around and the place was trashed. Toys everywhere. Food from the kitchen, stuff was just everywhere. Then I went to the basement. No one was there. Something was not right. They wouldn't just leave the kids here. I went back upstairs to Jake.

"We need to call the cops this doesn't feel right I know our family and they don't just disapear like this." Jake said and I nodded.

"Let's get the kids back home though first we're not leaving them here." Then he nodded as we both went home and called the cops.

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