Good News, Bad News

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A few hours later I woke up and looked at the time. 3:30 am. Kyra wasn't in bed though she was sitting on the counter in our bathroom.

"Baby? Are you feeling ok?" I asked walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her.

"Please don't be mad." Kyra said quietly.

"Why would I be mad princess?" I asked. Then she handed me a positive pregnancy test and I could feel the tears in my eyes. Tears of happiness. I kissed her gently and hugged her carefully.

"I love you so much Kyra..." I said.

"I love you too Zach." She smiled. Damn. I love her smile. I then texted the boys in our group chat.

Guys? who else is awake? I texted.

Corbean: me bro

Danny: same

Noodles: whayhooo

Jonah didn't text back...that's weird he usually always replies even if it's late at night.

Kyra is pregnant! So excited to be a dad! I texted back.

Danny: Aww omg yay!


Noodles: Aww! Literally happy crying right now!

"Baby I'll be back." I told Kyra and she nodded and kissed me. I went to Ariel and Jonah's room. Ariel was fast asleep, but Jonah was nowhere to be found. Omg where the hell is he? He's almost always here with Ari. I then went downstairs and as soon as I did Jonah came through the front door.

"Dude where were you?" I asked him. He looked like a mess.

"Zach I messed up big time...and there's no way I can fix it." He looked like he had been crying. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Jonah I can promise you whatever this is you will NOT have to go through it alone. I'm always here for you. I know we haven't really hung out one on one lately and I'm sorry." I said but Jonah just shook his head.

"Jonah?" I tried to look him in the eye but he wouldn't look back at me.

"Bro your never like this what happened?" I asked more concerned. He sat on the couch. I texted the other 3 guys and they all came downstairs to. Jonah went pale when he saw Corbyn.

"Dude what happened? You can tell us anything." Daniel was saying.

"Yeah whatever happened we'll help best we can." Jack added.

"Yeah of course Jonah your one of my best friends and I never see you like this bro." Corbyn said.

"Also why did you come home so late?" I asked.

"Guys...I fucked up and made a huge mistake. This is gonna sound really really bad but please hear me out this is probably the worst mistake I've ever made. One that I'm not gonna be able to fix so easily, and one that I'm gonna have to live with forever." Jonah was saying while looking down. Tears were streaming his face. Daniel hugged him then mouthed the words 'This must be bad.' Jonah never cries. Ever. So when he does, you know it's bad.

"Jonah.." Jack started saying.

"I...I cheated on Ariel." He was crying more as he said it. I looked at Corbyn and his eyes flashed red with anger. Before I knew it Corbyn got up and punched Jonah in the face. Jack held Corbyn back while Daniel and I comforted Jonah. 

"HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY SISTER?!" Corbyn yelled loudly. 

"Corbyn! Keep quiet!" I said back. I knew if he was too loud all the girls would hear. 

"You had one FUCKING job Jonah. ONE FUCKING JOB. To treat my sister like a princess! You know she's been hurt before and you do this?!" Corbyn was whisper yelling.

"Corbs don't!" Jack whisper yelled back.

"You know what Jonah?! I trusted you! Ariel trusted you too! AND YOU FUCKING CHEATED! So now I'm pissed and I swear to god...don't ever think about getting back together with her! Because chances are she's gonna break up with you! So if you know what's good for you after all this is done and you break her heart, do me a favor and stay the hell away from me and my sister. And to put it another way, YOU ARE NO LONGER MY BEST FRIEND!" Corbyn finished whisper yelling. Corbyn ran upstairs and slammed his door.

"I'm so sorry...I fucked up so bad." Jonah was crying more.

"Ok Jonah what happened?" Daniel asked.

"Tate had asked me to hang out with her and since we were friends I didn't mind. So I went over to her house when I dropped Ariel off here at home. When I got there we watched movies and talked for hours. While we were talking she leaned in to kiss me, We ended up making out for a while but NOTHING ELSE happened! I knew it was wrong but Ariel and I had gotten  into a fight and I was mad so I guess I wanted revenge but I was mad and I didn't mean it I know I fucked up bad. After a minute or two I told Tate I never wanted to see her again and I left the house super fast." Jonah was sobbing.

"What did you and Ariel fight about?" I asked shocked.

"I told her we just never really go on dates anymore and she said it was because I was always busy, I knew she was right but it made me mad and eventually we started yelling at each other so she just asked me to take her home. So I did." Jonah replied. I had never in my entire life seen him this upset. "and now...I've probably lost the girl of my dreams and her 3 brothers hate me. Corbyn's obviously gonna tell Logan and Jake." Jonah looked down. We all knew Logan was not gonna be happy.

"Calm down haven't lost her yet but you do need to tell her the truth." Jack said as Daniel and I agreed. I knew Jonah was dying inside. Ariel had become his entire life. I hated seeing him so upset. He just nodded and went upstairs. He was gonna tell her first thing in the morning. I went back upstairs to tell Kyra and she was pissed.

"I"M GONNA KILL HIM I"M GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM!" Kyra yelled as I covered her mouth. 

"Baby shhh!" I held her back as she tried her best to get away and get to Jonah.

"How could he do that to her? He knows how much shit she's been through!" Kyra said.

"Baby Jonah's not a bad guy he just made a bad mistake." I replied. Guess now there was good news and bad news.

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