Chapter 7 - Home Sweet Home

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Since my nightmare yesterday Jay has been watching me like a hawk making sure I was okay. Although I keep telling him that I am okay, I know that he knows I'm lying.

It was six o'clock at night on Tuesday and I haven't seen Jay in the last hour. The rest of my friends are here with me and they brought dinner. We were all joking around when Doc and Jay walk in.

"Carlos are you ready to go home?" Doc asked.

"Can I?" hope dripping from my voice.

"Sure, but first you need to try walking first. It's just so I know if you will need a wheel chair or not" Doc replied and I nodded quietly hoping I will not need a wheel chair. "ok so let's set you up with a portable oxygen tank and then Jay will help you walk, I was talking to him about how to help you earlier" I nodded again and once I was set up Jay helped me turn so my legs were off the side of the bed and I was sitting straight up. Then Jay took my left hand in his left hand and he wrapped his right arm around my waist. Everyone else moved to the other side of the room to give me space.

"When you are ready, use me as support to push yourself into a standing position and don't forget I am right here ok?" Jay said watching me. I instantly felt the fear of falling hit me in the stomach like a bag of bricks.

"You got this Carlos I'm right here" Jay whispered in my ear I nodded. With the help from Jay I was able to stand up even though everything hurt. Unfortunately though it didn't  last long, seconds after I stood up I felt my legs starting to give out from underneath me. I let out a small whimper before starting to drop. I braced myself for the pain of hitting the floor but it never came. Instead  I was pulled into Jay's chest  and he was holding me up. I  wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I told you, I am right here, I will never let you fall" Jay said as he picked me up and put me back on the bed. I didn't let go of him.

"Please don't leave me" I whispered. I hated myself right now, why couldn't I just stand on my own two feet? They are my feet . I heard Jay sigh and then I felt him sit down on the bed and pull me closer.

"Carlos you did really good. You know I didn't help you get up you did that all on your own? your upper body strength is good now we just need to work on your lower body. I know you will get back to being your happy little bubble soon but until then I promise I won't leave you alone. I will do everything in my power to protect you. Now come on let's get you comfy in your own bed." Jay said as he drew shapes into my back with his hand. Even though my body hurt like hell when I was in Jay's arms my body  didn't hurt it was like he took all the pain away.

Jay picked me up and placed me in my wheel chair. As unhappy as I am about needing a wheel chair the fact that this means Jay get's to be my nurse, and he wants to take care of me. Makes me happy, so I can learn to love the stupid chair.


When we arrive at my dorm the first thing I noticed is that everything was moved around to make room for an oxygen machine.

"I'm sorry" I couldn't stop myself from saying as jay lifted me from my wheel chair into my bed.

"For what?" Jay asked confused while he changed my oxygen in take from the portable tank to the main machine. I couldn't meet his eyes but when I looked past him I saw that Harry and Gil were here and they were looking at me with worry.

"Your life is being disheveled because of me. I mean just look at the room." I whine and I feel like I am going to start crying again but I am so tired of feeling weak.

"Carlos this is all worth it if it helps you get better. I have something for you that will turn that frown upside down I will be right back ok?" Jay said with a smile. I nodded mainly just because I loved his smile. Jay then turned to harry and Gil "I am trusting you two to take care of him if anything happens call me" he said as he passed my phone to Harry. Harry and Gil just simply nodded. And with that Jay left. Then all of a sudden I realized I didn't have my necklace. I made a necklace full of mementos from my favorite memories with Jay.

I looked over at Gil knowing he would know what I was asking before I even said anything. And that was exactly what happened, Gil pulled out a box and gave it to me.

"You couldn't wear it during the surgery and you are still too weak to wear it so I kept it in this box for you" Gil said proudly.

"They gave you my necklace to watch?" I was confused since I still wasn't sure where everyone stood with each other.

"Not quite. Doc originally gave it to Jay with your cell phone but I took it from him before he could really see it claiming it was mine and you were holding it for me" Gil responded quite proud of himself. When I looked over at Harry I saw him staring at his fiance in admiration.

I was looking at the necklace, there were five mementos on it. A Jack from a game Jay and I used to play as kids. A tiny framed photo of Jay and I. I pocket watch that Jay stole for me. A piece of the tourney shield that broke off when I used to use it to play. And last but not least a piece of the blade Jay gave me to teach me to fight the day I realized I loved him.

"Thank you Gil that means a lot to me" I said as I put the box with my necklace in it in the top draw of my night stand.

"So how are ye feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine just really sick and tired of that question" I respond allowing the annoyance I was feeling to drip into my voice.

"Sorry..." Harry whispered and dropped his head. Shoot I upset him I let my feelings hurt my friend I never do that.

"No Harry, I'm sorry I know you ask because you care but I would prefer if we could just talk about something else" I said feeling drained. Harry gave me a small smile and I knew then that we were instantly back on good terms.

"Well what would you like to talk about Carlos?" Gil asked allowing me to choose something that would make me happy.

"How about your wedding?" I asked with a smile on my face. I could not wait for their wedding this weekend.

"Carlos.." Harry sighed "Gil and I have been talking and I think we are going to push off the wedding till ye feel better."

"NO!" I screamed "You can't!" I hated this.

"Carlos..." Gil sighed.

"NO!" I said again cutting him off "you can't do that you have been looking forward to getting married for the longest time! I am not letting you put that on hold for something that will most likely never happen!" I cried.

"Carlos what do you mean?" Gil asked instant worry coming back.

"The last two times I was poisoned i could start feeling my strength coming back almost instantly. Yes it was a little slower the second time around but this time I just feel like I am getting weaker." I whispered finally showing someone the fear I have been hiding.

"Hey I am back" Jay said as he walks in but when he sees me his smile dropped "what's wrong?"

"Nothing I am fine" I dismissed but Jay didn't believe me he looked to Harry and Gil for answers.

"Carlos is just scared is all which is normal he just needs to learn he is not alone in this" Harry said before getting up linking hands with Gil and leaving for their own room.

"You know he's not wrong" Jay said and I just shrugged. "Here Carlos hopefully this will make you smile" Jay laughed as he passed me the bag I didn't even realize he was carrying. I open the bag to see it was filled with chocolate. I couldn't help but smile.

Author's Note: What did you guys think about Carlos' Necklace? What about his fear?

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