Chapter 9

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Seungmin always sits to the right of Hyunjin. Whether it's during class or they're just hanging out, he's always on the right side. He became accustomed to this seating arrangement when Hyunjin would zone out during class. As Seungmin took notes with his right hand, his left hand would be held by Hyunjin. Since then, he always preferred to have his left hand held, so his dominant hand was free.

Hyunjin didn't mind where he sat. As long as he had Seungmin's hand to hold, he was fine. It took a while for Hyunjin to realize that Seungmin preferred to be on the right side. When Hyunjin sat to the right, Seungmin didn't have any complaints and he wouldn't say anything. However, Hyunjin noticed that his friend was much more comfortable being on the right, so he keeps that in mind whenever they're together.

About fifteen minutes into the lesson, Seungmin's phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Instead of fishing out the phone himself, he allowed Hyunjin to retrieve it. It wasn't an unusual thing between them. While Seungmin payed attention in classroom lectures, Hyunjin would handle all outside disturbances.

Hyunjin pulled out Seungmin's phone and swiftly put in the password that was embedded into his memory. It was a text message from Jisung.

"Hey Snail, do you have Jeongin's contact information?"

Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would Jisung need to talk to Jeongin? Hyunjin supposed he shouldn't be surprised. Jisung loves drama, and Jeongin had the most dirt on everyone at school. No one really knows how Jeongin got all his information, but there's factual evidence to back up every piece of information he has. He's certainly not someone to mess with. If you get on his bad side, he can ruin your life.

Regardless, Hyunjin gave Jisung what he wanted and slid the phone back into Seungmin's pocket. Hyunjin rested his head back on his friend's shoulder, grabbing a hold of his hand once more.

"What was it?" Seungmin whispered, not taking his eyes off the projector in front of him. Hyunjin glanced up to get a good view of his friend's face, not moving his head from its position.

Hyunjin grinned, "Nothing important."


Jisung wanted to leap out in joy upon receiving what he wanted. Today was cardio day in his gym class, which basically meant you just had to run around on the outside field. It also meant you could easily sneak away and just join the class when they finish their exercise. Jisung didn't mind running, however he had more important things to be doing.

Jeongin was the guy everyone went for information. He knows everything about everyone and can prove that all his information is accurate. Some people choose to avoid him, others try to kiss up to him. Either way, Jeongin didn't care. Unless you were close to him, like Hyunjin and Seungmin, he didn't really care what you thought of him.

But in all reality, Jeongin was a really nice guy. He's caring to his friends and family, and he's a hardworking student. Many girls (and boys) tend to fall for his cute charms. Jisung had met Jeongin once. The young boy was with Seungmin before Jisung had left to go out with Minho. He didn't have a doubt in his mind that Jeongin probably knows about their relationship, and that doesn't bother him. No one else will find out anyway.

Jeongin doesn't give out information for free. He'd look at all possible outcomes and pick the one he thought was best. For example, if someone wanted to know who Jisung was dating, Jeongin would ask why he needed to know. If it was a valid reason, he would then talk to Jisung himself. If Jisung had a better reason for keeping it a secret, then Jeongin would keep his mouth shut. If not, Jeongin would then spill the beans.

Jeongin could ruin someone's life, but he certainly wouldn't. Despite being the ultimate source of information for the school, he wouldn't use his powers for evil.

Jisung decided it was time to act. He quickly shot a text to Jeongin.

"Hey Jeongin. This is Han Jisung. I need some information about some people and was wondering if you could help me out."

Almost instantly, he got a response.

"I'm in class right now, but I'll see if I can help. What is it?"

Jisung almost squealed. He wasn't sure why people were so scared of Jeongin, his personality is super sweet.

"I know you're really close with Seungmin and Hyunjin. I just wanted to know what exactly their relationship is."


Jisung pondered how he should put it into words. He figured he didn't have to hide anything, since Jeongin knows everything anyway.

"Minho is worried about Seungmin. He wants to know how things are and I was hoping I could find it out for him. I just want him to stop worrying. And since their relationship is totally unknown, I figured you might know something."

"You're right, I do know something. But why doesn't Minho just ask Seungmin himself?"

"He hasn't had much time to talk to Seungmin. Since he graduated, he doesn't have much time for anything."

"Seems like he had enough time to meet with you today."

Jisung narrowed his eyes. Where did all this sass come from? Doesn't Jeongin know he needs to treat Jisung with respect?

"There's just not enough hours in a day. Seungmin is always with Hyunjin so Minho wouldn't be able to speak to him alone even if he did have time."

Jisung just wanted to help his boyfriend out. He didn't want Minho to go out of his way and do something that Jisung could do instead.

"I'll get back to you."

Jeongin didn't say anything after that. Jisung wondered how long he had to wait and what exactly Jeongin was doing. Then something clicked inside Jisung's head, and he began to panic. He quickly sent another message to Jeongin.

"Don't tell Seungmin. Minho doesn't want him to know that he's worrying."

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