Little Games (Edited)

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Author's note

Hi, my name is TTovah; this is my first story on Wattpad, and I hope you like it. :) 

Translations & Pronunciations for foreign phrases are at the end of the story.

Diego walked into the kitchen and saw his wife of eighteen months, Natalya, sitting on the counter, drinking a cup of coffee. He noticed that she was wearing a World Cup Team Spain jersey—moving to Barcelona met supporting her husband's team, right?—but the only thing he could focus on was her lips. He loved those lips: the way they curled up when she smiled, the way they felt against his skin, and the way the formed the words "I love you." Unlike her American father, Natalya spoke her second language like her mother did: with a thick Russian accent, and he thought it was one of the most beautiful things about her.

        Diego met Natalya in front of the coffee maker, opened the cupboard above them, and stretched his entire six foot two frame to grab a cup from the second shelf. Because he was walking around sans shirt, he figured Natalya would get a good view of his torso, or more importantly, his Adonis belt.

        He knew she hated when he showed off his body like that; he did it on purpose just to bother her. Whenever she saw those lines, she wanted to pounce on him and have her way with him.

        As Diego poured himself a cup of coffee, Natalya looked down at her cup and slowly sipped hers. He was looking at her, she could feel it.

        She placed her cup on the counter and looked at him. She smiled. "Buenos días[1]."

        He returned the gesture. "Доброе утро[2]."

        She leaned into him as she slid off of the counter, consequently inhaling a mixture of his shower gel and aftershave. She walked over to the stove and looked in the pan with the eggs.

        "I made omelets," she said, her accent becoming more noticeable.

        Diego walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Not as good as mine, I bet."

        Natalya broke the embrace and walked back to her coffee.

        After a moment, Diego glanced over at her, and she rolled her eyes.

        Although Diego's comment annoyed her, seeing him standing in front of the stove like that still made Natalya want to walk up behind him, wrap her arms around his front, and kiss his shoulder like she did whenever he made breakfast for her. She loved that every time she tried to walk away after doing that, he would turn her back around, pull her close, and give her a warm kiss that made her forget all about the meal.

        It was hard to believe that after a total of four and a half years together, the young couple could still play this game and have fun doing it. The object of the game was always to avoid being the first to kiss the other on the mouth. They had to cool off on playing the game in public though, especially since Natalya's parents were now inviting them to fancy dinner parties and gallery openings and things, and Diego's dad was frequently inviting them over to watch football. Her father-in-law, her brother, and her two brothers-in-law loved the World Cup--she could only imagine how they would feel if Spain was playing--so Diego was planning to watch Spain play in the round-robin tournament with the guys while Natalya spent some time with her mother-in-law and her younger sister-in-law.

        Diego walked back over to Natalya. "Forgot the coffee."

        Natalya downed her coffee and walked over to the sink. There, she found Diego's arms wrapping around her, his soft kisses travelling from the back of her neck to the front.

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