In My Veins

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Disclaimer: If I owned Castle I probably wouldn't be writing fanfiction...

A/N:  I don't know if anyone remembers me from last summer but I wrote a post finale fic for season three of Castle. Here I am, back again, with a post-season-four fic. Same deal, it's a song-fic, this time to "In My Veins" by Andrew Belle.

Chapter One

“Nothing goes as planned”

            Kate Beckett was soaking wet from the storm brewing outside and dizzy (from the brewing storm of emotions inside her) when she arrived at Richard Castle’s door. She probably wasn’t thinking clearly—hell she wasn’t thinking at all—but she knew exactly what she wanted. Rapping on his door, he was all that was on her mind.


            Rick was certainly not in any mood to entertain whoever was currently knocking on his door. He couldn’t stop thinking about the woman he loved and how she was going to get herself killed. He had tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen. He couldn’t do this anymore; he saw her die once, he couldn’t do it again. Between Kate and the fact that his daughter had just graduated all Rick wanted to do was crawl into bed with a bottle of scotch.

            She was standing there when he opened the door. He had to suck in a breath so she wouldn’t notice how much her being there affected him. He was done. He had tried so hard to give her up and she wasn’t making it easy. Mustering up as much coldness as he could in his voice, he asked, “Beckett what do you want?”

            Kate wanted to say so many things but she was at a loss for words. She knew what she wanted though and so she knew one word would be enough. “You,” she said softly, voice full of longing. He didn’t even have a chance to react before she reached out to grab his face and take his mouth with hers.

            Rick tried not to react to this intoxicating woman’s lips, but it was difficult. Her forehead rested on his as they both struggled for a breath. “I’m so sorry Castle,” she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry...”

            Hand on his face; Kate tried to bring her lips back down on his but he forced himself to push her away. “What happened?” he asked looking her in the eyes. There was a tear streak on her cheek and he had to resist running a finger along it.

            I realized giving you up was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done; that’s what happened. The past thirteen years of her life had been so dedicated to finding justice and trying to solve her mother’s murder that she had never allowed herself to truly be happy. She had thrown her life away, but now she was done with that. Nothing could get in the way of happiness now. “He got away and I didn’t care,” she admitted, “I almost died and all I could think about was you. I just want you.”

            Hearts were beating frantically as Kate opened her mouth hungrily to take his with it. Neither one of them could believe that this was finally happening. Four years of dancing around each other—of waiting—and now they were both finally ready.

            With a blinding flash of lightening and deafening crack of thunder Kate reached out to lightly touch Rick’s lips. His eyes turned dark with arousal and then he was pushing her against his door.

            Neither one cared that the door closed with a slam as Kate’s body hit it. Lips crashed together and moved frantically. Rick moved his head to the side and started kissing Kate’s neck while she ran her hands up his back.

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