Chapter 4:Ship It?

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Audrey's POV
"No, this way, you idiot!"
I snatch the test tube from his hand and pour it into the beaker slowly.

"Wow. That was so complicated. I couldn't have done it without you." He deadpanned.

"You were putting it in the flask!"

"Both of them have measurements at the side. What does it matter if its in a different shape?"

"They're completely different! Look, they both might have the same measurements but they have different measuring types, you could've measured it wrong and our hairs would've been burned off! And the beaker is larger and has a spout!"

"Fine, smartass, have it your way."

We were currently having science and we were supposed to observe which chemical turns which color. Surprise, surprise, he's my lab partner too. Some living entity above the clouds is probably messing with me just for shit and giggles. Just in case, I raise my middle finger towards the window, pointing it above the sky and waving it.

"What are you doing?" Austin asks incredulously.

"Just making sure to send my hatred to the fuckers messing with my life in case there is one."

"..OK then. The next one should turn bright yellow. Which metal is it?"

"Sodium." I drawled.

"Do you smell that?" The person in front of us asks.

"What?" We both asked, trying to sniff the air.

She laughs at our synchronized reaction"Love is in the air!" She sighs happily.

I decided to break all logical barriers and choke on air.

"What?" I ask again, just in case I heard wrong.

"Loove  is in the air!" She says slowly.

"Who exactly are you referring too?" I ask, even though I feel like I already know the answer.

"You two, of course! You're like peanut butter and jelly! Perfect chemistry!" 

I control myself from rolling my eyes at her joke.

"Nick got to you, huh?"

"Well, he did shout it out during lunch. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who heard it."

"What's your name?"


"OK." I write it down on my notebook along with other names above the purple handwriting labelled People to avoid.

"Hey, which metal turns red in water?" Austin asks, concentrating on the test tubes and beaker with interest.


"You make a great pair too! Like I said, perfect chemis-"

Something explodes behind me. I see Austin holding a test tube, with the table a mess. I look over at him and what he was holding.

"That's cesium, you idiot!"

The class looks at the havoc that happened at our table.

I look back at Katrina.

"Perfect chemistry, huh?"

She starts fumbling with her words for something to say"W-Well, every relationship has a problem. Like chemistry, if you fail, you can just start fresh with a new batch of-"

Suddenly, the smoke alarms activate and water pours down on the students and the table, the chemicals getting mixed in water and changing colors, the tables that have cesium exploding with students running around in panic and some screaming while the teacher tries to catch the students' attention again. Meanwhile, I remain staring at Katrina with a brow raised. "You were saying?"

"I mean-" I raise my finger to stop whatever she was saying.

"Give it up. The living entities from above clearly disagree with you."


I look at the window and raised my thumbs up above.
Katrina comes back from her confusion. "It doesn't matter! I know you'll end up together! The ship will sail-

"And sink like the titanic-"

"With Rose and Jack risking their lives for each other-"

"And Jack dying because he was too stupid to think that they could both fit in the raft or at least use the life jackets to keep both of them afloat."

Katrina takes a pause. "You are the most pessimistic human ever." She sighs in resignation.

"I know."

A/N: Lol, so i just realized after rereading this chapter again that Audrey said something about their hairs being singed or burned off had Drake ended up using the wrong measurement or graduations when they were actually just making chemicals change into different colors with water and that it actually doesn't matter how much they add since it would just react the same way in any amount. I am too lazy to correct this so.. it's not professional to be doing this, but can you just ignore it? I'll correct it someday but, yeah, their argument is literally about measurements and hairs being burned off in this chapter and if I remove that, it would just lose exaggeration on how bad their chemistry is and how ironic Katerina's part in this chapter is soo, I'd have to redo the whole chapter and, yeah, maybe later rather than sooner. For now, excuse their illogical conversation and just cheer for the new character in the story. Ok, that's all, bye!!

EDIT:Okay, i just realized that instead of writing this long excuse on their illogical argument,  i couldve editted the chapter and..ok, ill go now, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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