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Sunlight hit Juvia's face as she walked down the paved sidewalk. Pine trees grew beside where she walked, little pinecones hung above her and the trees shed their needles as she passed by. With earphones in her ears and books in her hands, Juvia hummed to Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Spring.

She looked up to see the bright blue sky, cloudless and vast in its cerulean glory. It reminded her of a certain someone's eyes. She smiled at that thought and rounded the corner, heading for the coffee shop. Her white dress flowed with the wind as it blew, soft cotton brushing around her knees, it was a good summer breeze.

"Rae" She heard the endearment through the violins in her ear. She turned her head and saw him. Standing underneath a tree, his face was shadowed, hidden underneath his red hood. But that lazy smile gave her beloved Gray away. She smiled and walked towards him, taking off her earphones. He met her halfway, tugging his hood behind, revealing his sapphire eyes and ink black hair. Juvia felt her smile widen and her eyes glimmer, there was a sudden bounce to her step and a tingling sensation at her fingertips.

He was wearing a black shirt underneath his jacket, dark jeans and black Chucks. Juvia caught the scent of soap and light cologne on him. As she stood in front of him, Gray opened his arms and Juvia happily stepped into them, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. It's been days since they'd last seen each other, longer since they'd touched. Midterms were coming and they both had papers to write and books to read.

"Gray" She greeted, her words muffled by his jacket.

He hugged her tighter, bringing Juvia's body closer to his, almost lifting her, and rocked back and forth. Juvia smiled underneath his jaw, she could barely breathe with him so close. After a moment he released her and put his hands on her shoulders, smiling down at her, his blue eyes as clear as the sky behind him. Her eyes studied his face, her excitement of seeing him again barely contained.

"I missed you" She said softly. Gray leaned into her and rested his forehead against hers, this was their own way of saying hello. They stayed like that for a while and Gray finally pulled back, still keeping his hands on her shoulders.

"Coffee?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Sure" She said, smiling back up at him.

Gray bent back down and kissed her forehead tenderly. His lips where smooth on her skin, red fabric filled her vision and his scent made its way to her nose. She was intimately aware of his presence, consuming her senses and making her skin all tingly, it made her smile wider. He took her hand in his and her books in another and led Juvia the rest of the way.

After that moment in the rain and him taking her to his house, Juvia and Gray spent much time with each other when they could, getting closer than they've ever been. Juvia thought of it as the happiest moments of her life, spending time with him, being able to see and talk and touch him, knowing that he wanted it too. Gray became her paradise and Juvia became his happiness. Their relationship was already on the border of friendship and love, although none had ever brought it up during their multiple conversations.

Gray turned back to her and flashed his pirate grin.

Beep. Beep. Beep

Juvia opened her eyes. Breathing slowly and deeply, she sighed and reached for her alarm clock. She was sweating and trembling. That last dream left her as quick as the previous ones, although it was almost pleasant, it was still a memory, of him, and the pleasantness of that dream made it harder to bare. She laid her head back to the pillows with a thud and closed her eyes again. Juvia tried to calm herself, following her routine of breathing slowly and massaging her temples.

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