12. I Should Think

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I have a soul, I think.
It needs a soulmate, I believe.
That longs for that one artist
To art deco an archaicly awesome allusion
Of two souls that dare to fly.

She has a soul, I think.
That needs a soulmate, I believe.
That appreciates artistic A1 beasts.
She could paint 69 shades of happily ever after
For him. Love. And the world around him.

I need a poetess, I think.
Who breathes life to plain sheets
Ink sweeter than the voice of a bird.
A violent peacemaker with words.
That wouldn't love in disguise.

She needs an erne like me, I think.
Who tiptoes on gurgling clouds
And feed raw meat to her imagination.
When it is famished and can't dream.
She needs that erne, I believe.

We could be two bodies; one soul, I think
Like the full moon's greasy mating with clouds
We could be a temporal lost soul, I believe.
Drowning to each other, I should think
At the bottom of a sea of roses, should I believe?

© Barr Gimba

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