Chapter 3

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Her laugh was unnerving. She didn’t look like the kind of person to bully. She has long, dark, curly hair. It flowed over shoulders and down her back. Her skin was also a dark color.Her eyes shone like emeralds. Even though they glinted with disgust. I admit she was pretty. Really pretty. She was wearing an oversized, beige sweatshirt. It came down into a low V-neck. A white button up shirt was underneath covering what the sweatshirt didn’t. Her sweatshirt almost covered her mini skirt. The skirt was dark navy blue. She was a walking dress code. I was surprise she hasn’t gotten in trouble.

I was brought back to reality when Adly shrieked. Her eyes started to water, causing the blue in her grey eyes to show a lot more. “Why did you do that?” Adly was shouting. She is usually loud but never with a harsh tone. The strange girl started to chuckle. “Well you see I’m new. So I need to establish my part in the social chain. So geek next time stay out of my way.” This girl reminds me of a beast. Her hair is so poofy that it cover parts of her face. She is also extremely appalling.

Before I knew what was happening, Adly’s face contorted in fury. She was on her feet in a matter of seconds. The girl didn’t seem even slightly intimidated. In a mocking tone she said, “ oh is the little girl angry?”

Adly’s hands became fists only seconds after Beasty’s comment. I decided to give the girl the nickname beasty since she was so horrid. Even calling her Beasty is causing offense to monsters everywhere, but it was the best I could come up with. She started to laugh like the evil queen. The girl behind her was also laughing. It wasn’t as annoying as beasty’s but it was a lot more nasally. Beasty’s laugh was cut short. A shocked scream escaped from her as Adly’s fist collided with her nose. She flew back and hit the ground with an “oomph”. “ Ow! I think you broke my beautiful nose! YOU VILE DOG!” She barely finished the thought before Adly was on her again.

The commotion has cause a small group of people to gather. Some were cheering like this was a football game. In fact some of them were football jocks. They were hollering for Adly, or maybe Beasty. I couldn’t tell. The sound was growing as more people joined.

I jerked my head toward the fight. I nearly forgot Adly was the instigator of this distraction. Beasty was fighting back. Blood gushing out her her nose and some from the scratches Adly managed to make on her “beautiful” face. No wonder the crowd was cheering.

Most of the words coming from the gathering of people were rude, and towards Adly. There were also words of encouragement….for Beasty of course. Well there is no hiding the fact of why they are cheering for her. She is the new shiny toy.

“Woo!!! Go Ericka!!! Ya!!!” The guy behind me was going to shatter my ear drums if he continues to scream in my ear. I turned to him and said,”Wait, who is Ericka?” “The new caramel chick beating the crap out of the ginger.” “You mean beasty?” He seemed to be confused.

So Beasty’s real name is Ericka. That may come in handy if I happen to accidentally run into a teacher or a principal. A crunch was what brought me back to the real world. What i saw next made my stomach churn.

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