Chapter 9

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“We’re going up? In that thing? Are you kidding me right now?” The power plant was looming about ten feet above us. “ Of course we are silly. This is my special place. What? Are you scared?” It was as though Beasty was mocking me. “What? Of course not. It just doesn’t seem safe.” She laughed some more then started up the plant’s stairs. Adly and i followed reluctantly behind.

Is she insane? Is this her idea of fun? Who knows anymore? We slowly crept up the stairs until we reached the top floor. Ericka and Andrew turned into the doorway. This really didn’t seem safe. I turned to Adly for reassurance but all i got were looks of doubt. She felt the same as I did. This wasn’t my best decision.

When we entered Ericka was opening a bottle of beer, while andrew was smoking a cigarette. “Finally the nerds decided to grace us with their presence.” She tossed a can at me. I tossed it right back, “ no thanks, I don’t drink.” “Oh you’re such a foul partier.” She tossed one at Adly. She caught it better than I did. Instead of tossing it back she set it to the side.

“So, um, your special place is a power plant?”

    “Yeah. It’s a really cool place isn’t it?” Ericka asked.

“Well I guess, but seriously is it safe?” That’s when Andrew walked over to me and pulled out a cigarette pack, “You seem to be a little stressed, try one. It’ll make you feel better in an instant.”

“No thanks. I’m good.”

    “You don’t seem good. Seriously try one”

“I said i’m fine.”

    He shoved the cigarette into my face again, “Come on.”

“OK fine. Give me the darn thing.” I snatched it out of his hand and shoved it in my mouth. I pulled a lighter out of his green army jacket and lit my cigarette. I Breathed in a puff and instantly felt the smoke fill up my lungs. I let it out with a harsh cough and dropped the cigarette onto the floor. “What...The...Heck?!” I coughed some more, “That didn’t make me feel better. All it didn’t was temporarily suffocate me.” He laughed, “ That’s cause you did it wrong. You’re supposed to breathe in slowly.” “ WELL I’M SORRY! I DIDN’T KNOW THERE WAS A SPECIFIC WAY TO DO IT!!!”  They all laughed at my sudden outburst, even Adly. I went to jokingly glare at her but stopped in my tracks.

She had the beer that she set down in her hands, drinking it. My smile fell from my face. “Paris what’s wrong?” She was speaking to me. “Oh nothing just noticed you were drinking.” “Haha. Yeah, it’s pretty good stuff.” That shocked me. She seemed like the person to party, but not the type of person to drink. The smell of smoke filled my lungs again. I cough out the words, “will you not blow smoke on me please.” I turned expecting Andrew or Beasty to be standing there but to my surprise they were flirting by the dashboard to a destroyed computer.

“What are you talking about we are nowhere near you.” I let out a simple oh and turned back to Adly. She was on her smartphone while drinking. This is the first time i have gotten a good look at my surroundings. The room was a dull gray which was charred to a black near the baseboards. The wooden floor was also black and creaky. A busted computer sat in the far corner. It’s three screens were shattered to bits. Only two screens hung on the wall. The other was lying against the computer. The computer was charred black, like the bare walls and unsturdy floors. What had happened here?

“Seriously guys, tone down the smoking please? It’s bothering me.” Adly and the others were huddle together across the room sharing the last cigarette. The were all laughing and drinking. Having a good time, just how all other teenagers do. They didn’t hear me. Beasty took the last puff before it went out. She dropped it on the floor and leaned into Andrew. “Guys put it fully out! This place is old and could go up in flames at any time!” I walked over and stomped it out. There was a crack underneath me and my foot went through the floor. Instant heat rushed over me. Adly laughed as she helped me free my foot. “Yougottabeeee….careful! Tisplaceis..old!” She was slurring her words. She must be super drunk.

I looked down the hole in the floor. Heat blistered my face. What is going on? “Uh guys? I think we should go.” They were to busy playing around to notice me. “Guys!” I stormed over to them. More laughing. “You look funny when you’re mad” Beasty stated. I growled out of frustration. Why won’t they listen to me? If this is what friends are like, I don’t want them anymore.

There was a crackling behind me and then a crash. I swiveled towards it to be met with a raging fire: It was blocking our only exit.  It started to dance towards me. It was eating everything in sight. Beasty let out a blood curdling scream. She had stepped into the hole I created earlier. She was crying out for help. Reaching but not finding anything. The hole grew bigger as if it was a black hole, attempting to swallow a life. She slide backwards, having less of a hold on the floor. You could clearly see the blood from her fingers where the splintered wood cut her.

I started to rush over to her when the fire grew between us. I was too late. I watched as the floor continued to crumble, Beasty sliding farther and farther. Her sobs were growing louder. Her emerald eyes glinting with fear latched onto me. Pleading with me, as if I could somehow save her. That’s when the floor fully opened up and engulfed her. Those screams will haunt me till the day I die. Her body must have fallen through six levels before the final blows silenced her. Adly started crying as she approached the hole. Agony filled her. She was suddenly very sober and very alert.

Strong hands wrapped around my waist and jerked me backwards. Saving me from the collapsing ceiling. I was suddenly very dizzy. The air was turning green and smelling like death.  All I could think was that I had to save my friends.

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