Chapter 5

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“Well miss Hale, I don’t know what happened to you, but you are beat up pretty bad,” the nurse stated as she place an ice pack on Adly’s side, “ Your side is bruised all to bits. Along with your leg. At least nothing seems to be broken.” I let out a relieved sigh. It's just bruises that’s good.  “ Are you sure nothing is broken? That she will be okay?” The guy, I never asked his name nor cared, asked the nurse. “I am absolutely positive.” He seemed shaken, but slightly comforted by this fact. What is with him? Why does he care so much?

“But she should stay in here for a little while so you two should head to your classes.” She wanted me to leave? At this time? In this situation? I don’t think I can. She must have picked up on my concern because she stated that Adly would be ok. Jockman was just shrinking farther into the  corner. Adly started to groan. She must fallen asleep during this whole charade with the nurse. When I started to make my way toward her the nurse shooed me out. “I mean it. Go to class please.” She slammed the door in my face. I screamed at frustration then spun around and stormed towards my next class.

“ please?” The jock was chasing me as I stomped down the hallway. “What do you want now?” “ Well, um, I, um, I was just, um, wanting to know , um-”

“ Spit it out, why dontcha?!” It’s only the first day of school, and there is already so much drama. Man do I hate high school. I wish I didn’t have to go anymore. “ Well I was wondering um,” Oh he is still here? Well ain’t that great? I rolled my eyes as he continued talking, “Well my name is Andrew, and I was just wondering what your name is? And the ginger’s name?” Really? Why does he want our names not like we will see each other again. I sighed, “ My name is Paris, yes as in Paris, France. And the ginger’s name is Adly. There happy? Are we done now?”

“Well, um, I guess?” This guy really gets on my nerves, “Good, imma go now.” I started walking off again, “Well I guess i’ll see you later then?” He hollered after me. Yeah in your dreams maybe, i thought to myself.

As I sat in last period I continued to worry about Adly, Beasty, and the entire day. The day has been horrible from lunch period on. I have worried myself to the point where I might cry. I just want for this day to end. I groaned as my teacher handed me another paper to do for homework “Do this for homework, it is due tomorrow. So don’t forget about it-” The bell began to ring, but the teacher just spoke over it. “Okay guys, have a good weekend! Don’t forget the homework!” I gathered my stuff, getting ready to leave, when my teacher asked me to stay after.

“Mrs.Charitable? I just noticed that you couldn’t seem to focus in class. Is there something wrong? You seem to be stressed, but it is only the first day of school.” Was it that obvious? “ No nothing is wrong,” I said in a perky tone. “Are you sure? I’m always available after school. Or their is a school therapist if that is more comfortable for you.” He seemed generally concerned. “Like I said nothing is wrong. I am just a bit tired.” “ Ok, have a good weekend Mrs. Charitable.” He smiled and waved as I walked away and towards my bus. I can already tell that this week is going to be crappy.

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