Chapter 25

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My vision had begun to clear up once the pain from my shoulder had subsided. I thanked Siera many times. For curing my shoulder and my blindness.

    It had been so long since i’ve seen the world. A junkyard wasn’t the most pretty sight but to me it was heavenly. I long stared at the rusted cars that were missing pieces and the piles of uselessjunk scattered across the yard. My favorite was to memorize the details of the people around me.

    Andrew’s hair had grow out quite a bit since Adly showed me his appearance. Now his light brown hair goes past his ears. He tends to pull it up in a low ponytail. He still has his army green aura but now it is not him but his essence. It surrounded him like a glow.

    His emerald eyes reminded me of the power plant. When Ericka was pleading with me to save her. How I couldn’t save her. I whisked away the thought of her and continued to over analyze Andrew.

    His slightly small nose and small eyes. How his hair has become unkempt. The lines of fear has been etched into his face. It made me sad when I compared him to when I first met him. He was such a shy scared person.

    Thinking of Andrew started to depress me. I didn’t want them to think something was wrong so I moved on to the new person. Siera.

    Her image was quite interesting to me. She had very long, fringed, neon blue hair. She also had side bangs that almost covered her right eye. Her eyes were a faded purple and her skin had been tanned do to the exposure to the sun.

    She had the word FAMILY sketched across her right shoulder in calligraphy. It interested me because she seemed to be alone. She also had a small infinity sign on her upper part of her right arm.

    Her apparel was weird to me but I could see Adly wearing something like that. Siera sported a maroon crop top that had the sleeves slid off her shoulders. On her left hip there was a small pink heart with the letter P in it.

She wore bright yellow shorts with neon pink leggings underneath. She wore knee length blue heels. She also had lime green mesh fingerless gloves. It’s like she jumped right out of the eighties.

Siera didn’t speak like Adly did. She used the words ‘hun’ ‘sweety’ and ‘sugar’ a lot of the times. Her height was quite intimidating though. Saying she is a giant would not be an exaggeration. I’d estimate she was about eight feet tall.

It wasn’t long until me and Andrew had grow accustomed to her. She was nice to have around. Especially when we need a pickle jar opened. I quietly laughed at my own joke as Andrew showed Siera how to properly cook things. Turns out she usually eats raw foods.

    That night we spent the night sleeping in the small hut Siera had form. She had a small bed in the far left corner. There was also a ripped up couch with flower print covering it.

    “It ain’t much. I know that but it’s home. Ya know?” She let out a friendly smile as she grabbed some pillows. “Sorry I don’t have much. It’s just been me for a while now. Wasn’t expecting visitors.”

    She continued to rearrange the living space until there was enough room for us. ‘ She’s very kind.’ I think to myself. I shook my head as visions of Adly and Natalie filled my head.

    As I closed my eyes I couldn’t help but feel like our host isn’t a bad person. Like she is telling the truth. Which brings my mind to something she had said earlier. “They plan everything at that place. They want you to hate them. It’s their test experiment.”

    Everything? Then we are just pawns in their game? I tried to ignore one glaring fact. If they plan everything at that place, then did they plan Natalie’s death? Or is she really dead?

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