Chapter 9

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Sam and Dean called Gabriel to have him come pick them up and bring them back to the bunker. When they returned, everyone was waiting for them.

"How'd it go," Bobby asked.

"We need to talk, all of us," Dean said. Everyone gathered around the tables in the library.

"Sam, are you alright," Ellen asked, "you don't look so good." Dean looked at Sam and noticed what Ellen had noticed. Sam's face was at least three shades lighter. He had bags under his eyes and he looked sick.

"Sammy, answer the question," Dean said.

"I'm ok, really guys, I feel fine," Sam said.

"Dean, when we're done here I need to talk to you," Cass said.

"Ok Cass," Dean answered. The ten of them took their seats. Dean was at the head of the table and Sam was on his left.

"So, we finished the second trial, but we know a lot more know," Dean said.

"Like what," Ellen asked. Sam and Dean told them about Cashmere and Naomi's visit and Faith.

"So, she really is in Hell," Cass asked.

"Yes, but we couldn't bring her back. The portal's a human portal and she's not human, not anymore," Sam said.

"You said she was cut open," Bobby asked.

"One big, vertical cut from her neck to her waist; her arms and legs were cut as well," Dean answered.

"Jesus," Henry said.

"How did Naomi even know what was in her head," Ash asked.

"I don't know," Dean answered.

"So what do we do," Jo asked.

"We keep moving. Finish the third trial then bust Faith out of Hell," Gabriel said, "did you happen to ask Faith what Naomi meant by the trial with the heart of the Nephilim?"

"No why," Sam asked.

"Because that doesn't sound like an angel trial," Gabriel said, "that task is too violent."

"Well, great now we have no idea what trials Naomi is doing," Sam said.

"We need to shut the Gates of Hell before she finishes her trials," Dean said, "what's the third trial?" Everyone looked to Kevin.

"Well, really it's quite simple. It's very straightforward, but how we're going to do it, I have no idea," Kevin said.

"What do you mean," Sam asked.

"You have to cure a demon," Kevin said.


"Cure a demon," Dean asked.

"Cure a demon of what," Cass asked. Kevin shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I'm gonna have to hit the books for this one," Bobby said.

"I'll join you," Henry added. Bobby and Henry left, walking towards the rooms full of old files.

"I'm gonna go to bed," Jo announced.

"Me too," Ellen and Ash said. The three of them went to their rooms. It was only then when Sam and Dean realized that it was two in the morning.

"I'm going to bed," Sam said to his brother.

"Alright, are you sure you feel fine," Dean asked.

Sam smiled, "You'd be the first to know if I wasn't." Gabriel had disappeared, but Dean didn't care.

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