Chapter 13

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Sam dialed 666 and put the phone on speaker.

"This is the King," Crowley answered.

"Call it off Crowley," Dean said.

"Because," Crowley asked.

"Because it's over, you son of a bitch; we want a deal," Dean said, "we stop the trials, you give us Faith."

"I want the Demon Tablet," Crowley said.

"Fine, but then the Angel Tablet comes to us," Dean said.

"On what grounds," Crowley screamed.

"On the grounds that you're a douche bag and no douche bag should have that much power. Deal or not," Dean asked.

"First I need to hear two little words...I surrender," Crowley said.

Dean sighed, "We surrender."

"Excellent, meet me at Mr. Singer's auto shop," Crowley said.

Dean hung up and looked at Sam, "We ready?"

Sam sighed, "Ready as we'll ever be." Dean nodded and walked over to the library when Kevin was.

"You got the Demon Tablet," Dean asked. Kevin got up and handed the Tablet to Dean.

"You sure this is gonna work," Kevin asked.

"What choice do we have," Sam said, walking in.

"Let's go," Dean said. Sam and Dean turned to walk away.

"Guys," Kevin said. Sam and Dean turned back to look at him. "You're doing the right thing," Kevin said. Sam and Dean nodded and continued towards the front door.

"Boys," Bobby said. Sam and Dean looked back to Bobby.

"Bring Faith home," Bobby said.

"And be careful," Ellen added. Ellen walked in with Jo. Cass was right behind them.

"Cass," Dean said.

"Yes," he answered.

"Watch out of them," Dean said.

"Just bring Faith home," Cass answered.

"Who else is better to bring her home than her brothers," Gabriel said.

"Sam, Dean," Henry said, "Bring back my granddaughter." Sam and Dean nodded and headed out the front door without another word.


They pulled into Bobby's salvage yard around noon the next day. They got out and looked around, there was no one there. Sam and Dean looked back at Bobby's house, remembering all the times they would spend there, waiting for John to return from a hunt.

"Hello boys," Crowley said aparating about fifty feet in front of them. "What's that old expression? Success has many fathers. Failure is a Winchester," Crowley laughed, "Where's the stone?"

"You show us yours, and we'll show you ours," Dean said.

"Really, Dean? I'm trying to conduct a professional negotiation here and you want to talk dangly bits? The stone," Crowley demanded. Sam started to take the Tablet out from his jacket. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slowly," Crowley said. Sam glared at him then took the Tablet out. "There she is," Crowley said. Sam stuck the Tablet back into his jacket. Crowley lifted his jacket to the side and showed the Angel Tablet in the pocket.

"And Faith," Dean asked. Crowley snapped his fingers and suddenly, Faith appeared next to him. She wore the same dress as before except it was clean of blood. Faith looked relatively unharmed if you didn't take the bags under her eyes into account.

She smiled when she saw them, "Hey guys."

"Really, can you do this some other time," Crowley asked. He pulled out a scroll and threw it out to them. It unrolled until there were about ten feet between Sam and Dean and the scroll.

"I'm sure there are no hidden agendas in there," Dean said.

"The highlights, we swap Tablets and you stand down from the trials forever," Crowley said.

"And you give us Faith and you won't take her back," Sam said.

"Agreed," Crowley said. Dean reached into his jacket and pulled out a pen. He uncapped it, ready to sign the contract.

Crowley pulled back on the scroll, "uh, uh, uh; nice try, Squirrel. Moose is doing these trials, Moose signs."

"No, he's not signing anything until I read the fine print," Dean protested.

Sam snatched the pen from Dean, "I can read it."

Dean looked at Sam, defensively, "Hey, you wanted me here, I'm here. But, I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him screw us even more."

"What's this? Trouble in paradise, boys," Crowley asked, chuckling. Faith raised her hand and balled it into a fist. Crowley started to gag.

Faith let it continue for about ten more seconds before she released him, "No more of your snide comments, you understand?"

Crowley clicked his lips together, "Let's have the big galoot sign it now, shall we?" Dean and Sam walked closer to Crowley; Dean looked back at Sam, who nodded. Dean returned his gaze to Crowley and slapped a pair of handcuffs on his wrist. Crowley sighed, "Is this a joke? You realize all I have to do is this?" Crowley snapped his fingers, but nothing happened.

"Unh, unh, unh; demonic handcuffs, jackass," Dean said, "No flicking, no teleporting, no smoking out oh and no deal. But we're still taking Faith. Which means that you're pretty much our bitch," Dean said.

"Fine, you wanna play chain gang? Let's," Crowley said. Then, Crowley punched Dean. "You settled yourself to the wrong bull mate," Crowley said. Then Dean punched Crowley; it's enough to stun Crowley long enough so that Dean can take the Angel Tablet out of his jacket coat. Dean handed the Tablet to Sam, who took it.

"I can do this all day, because you know what? Damn, it feels good! But sooner, or later, you're going to have to face it, you're ours. Which mean that your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick," Dean said.

"What's he mouthing on about," Crowley asked Sam.

"You're the third trial, Crowley," Sam answered.


When Sam was sure Crowley couldn't get out of the Impala, he walked back over to Dean and Faith. Faith was hugging her arms as if she had to protect herself from something coming. Sam and Dean just stared at her.

She noticed, "What?"

Dean was the first to say something, "it's been two years since I last saw you and the only thing I have to say to you is where did you get that dress?"

Faith smiled, "Crowley made me wear it. He said everyone deserved to die in something that preserved their dignity. Two years, has it really been that long?" Sam and Dean nodded. "Well I guess time flies when you're dying over and over again," Faith said. At that moment, Sam and Dean hugged their sister. She hugged them back, even though the pain in her body was almost unbearable. Sam and Dean let go of her and just smiled. They knew what her next question would be. "Where's Cass," Faith asked. They laughed.

"Back at the bunker with everyone else," Sam answered.

She smiled, "Let's go, home."

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