Chapter 15

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Dean was sitting in the driver's seat of the Impala with the door open when Cass aparated in front of him, alone.

"Dean, I need your help," Cass said.

"Little busy, take a number Cass," Dean said, getting up and walking towards the trunk of the Impala.

"I'm afraid this can't wait. Naomi has taken Faith," Cass said.

"What," Dean asked.

"Naomi took her and has her in a warehouse," Cass said.

"Why would she take Faith again," Dean asked.

"Because Naomi needs Faith to finish the angel trials," Cass said.

"What angel trails," Dean asked.

"She wants to shut it all down, Heaven, Hell, all of it," Cass said.

"Why does she need Faith," Dean asked.

"Because Naomi can't get her hands on the Angel Tablet and Faith has every trial locked away in her brain, so it was convenient for her to take Faith," Cass said.

"Look, Cass, you're asking me to leave Sam when we've got Crowley tied and trussed in there. Now if anyone needs a chaperone while doing the heavy lifting its Sam," Dean said. Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind them. It was Sam.

"You should go," Sam said, "Seriously."

"What and leave you with the King of Hell, no way," Dean said, turning to face him.

"I got this, and you guys can stop Naomi and get Faith back once and for all, that's a good day," Sam said.

"Look, I'm down with killing Naomi and getting Faith back, but the demons? This is on us, start the injections now, if I'm not back in eight hours finish it, no questions, no hesitation," Dean said. Sam nodded. Dean and Cass aparated out of there, leaving Sam alone with Crowley.


Sam pulled out a syringe and stuck it in his arm. He pulled back the tab and watched as it filled with blood.

Crowley smirked, "You really think injecting me with human blood is gonna make me human? Did you read that on the back of a cereal box?" Sam walked over to Crowley and stuck the needle into his neck. Crowley groaned as Sam pushed the blood into him. Sam pulled the syringe out and stepped back, nothing happened. "You're miles out of your league, moose. See you in an hour," Crowley said as Sam walked away from him. Sam held his arms out of watched as they began to glow yellow. The light and pain subsided and he sighed.


Dean and Cass had aparated back to the bunker where they gave Kevin the Angel Tablet.

"Is this a joke," Kevin asked them.

"No, it's the Word of God," Cass said.

"What," Kevin asked, confused.

"It's a Tablet, all right, translate, that's what you do," Dean said.

"Okay, it's the Angel Tablet which I've never laid eyes on in my life. You want a translation in like six hours when it took me a year to translate the Demon Tablet," Kevin asked.

"Kevin, we're serious, Naomi has Faith and we need to know what the angel trials are or she's dead," Dean said.

"All right, I'm on it," Kevin said.

"You'll call when you find something," Dean asked.

"Yup," Kevin said, starting to work.


It was hour four when the rain started to come down at the church. Sam sighed and walked over to give Crowley the dose of blood. When Sam pulled the syringe out of Crowley's neck, Crowley grabbed Sam's arm and bit down. Sam groaned in pain and pulled back.

"What the hell, Crowley," Sam said, punching him. "Biting, seriously," Sam said, walking out of the church.

When he was sure Sam was gone, Crowley spit the blood into his hand and started to chant, "Inferni sectatores, nunc audite regem." The blood started to swirl in his hand, "for the love of everything, whoever is hearing this, if anybody is hearing this, this is your king. Send help immediately." Crowley glanced around his shoulder nervously, wondering when Sam was coming back.


When Cass and Dean aparated to the warehouse, they were immediately affected by something inside. They felt a strong power force levitating outside the building.

"It's Faith, she's resonating," Cass said.

"What the hell," Dean said.

"Angels do it when they are in distress. The level of distress needed for this to happen is tremendous," Cass said.

"Awesome," Dean said. Cass and Dean walked towards the door and opened it. They walked in and found that it was an empty room with a single vertical board, holding up a single person, Faith. She was pinned to it by angel blades. When she saw them, she started shaking her head violently.

"You can't be here," she screamed.

"Why not," Dean asked.

"Because this was a trap to get both of you," she said.

"What are you talking about," Cass asked. Suddenly, Cass and Dean were thrown across the floor. Two new, horizontal boards then appeared. Naomi walked out and raised her hand and just like that, Dean and Cass were now stuck onto the boards like Faith.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," Naomi said, walking in front of the three of them.

"A brother and a lover," Naomi continued.

"Just shut up," Faith snapped.

Naomi's head snapped towards Faith, "Did you say something?"

"I said you can burn in Hell," Faith growled. Naomi raised her hand and twisted it. Suddenly, one of the angel blades in Faith twisted, making her scream in pain.

"Stop it," Dean and Cass yelled.

Naomi turned back towards them, "Hmm, it seems that I should give you three some alone time. I have an errand to run anyway. See you in a jiffy." Then she was gone.

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