You Got Me...

30 2 16

Jana Pov
I feel really guilty...
I mean I love Joey and all but...
I don't know what to say about him!
I tried talking to him but Its like he seemed to avoid me.
All this time I've been a brat and I know it! I should've known better! I've been so selfish i'm not even thinking about Joey's happiness!
I feel really bad..
And tomorrow will be our first day of Grade 3! Damn..Days are that fast!

If only I can talk to Ysa bout it-- maybe I can!
Me: Hi Ysa!
Ysa: hey jana wussup?
Me: um...*thinks of what to talk about* How long you've been a kpopper?
Ysa: oh! Since 4 yrs old! Why?
Me: ahh I see...No wonder😂
Ysa: umm ok? Why'd u txt me?
Me: cuz Y not? I-I umm...
Ysa: something wrong?
Me: k-kinda
Ysa: mkay...tell Ur unnie~
Me: wuts unnie?
Ysa: no need to explain...just tell me
Me: I've been guilty about something.
Ysa: And?
Me: I dont want Joey to get hurt...
Ysa: So...??
Me: I dont anyone to take joey!
Ysa:😂😂 WTH?!! No one will take Joey n' Im sure bout it!
Me: rlly? Cuz he barely talks to me!
Ysa: Jana...Maybe theres something u probably dont kno about Joey..
Me: what? I kno everything bout him! I also kno u both live at the same area...
Ysa: yea but...
Me: but what?
Ysa: Joey isnt approachable! Me and saumya are actually the one who approached to him when he felt lonely!
Me: rlly?
Ysa: maybe he's waiting for u and Ik ur waiting 4 him!
Me:thx ysa! 💗💗

Im happy I met a person like Ysabel...
If I had to describe her in 2 words It  be sweet and savage😂 I need to talk to Joey!!

Joey POV ( before Ysa's and Jana's convo)
Seriously?!! Is Jana going to ignore me?! What have I done wrong?
Should I talk to Sara bout it?
Probably not! HELL NAH! Jana is mine and mine only!
I need a person who could understand me and not judge me and atleast who can-- Sameer!
*chks if he's online*
Fudge! He isnt online! How bout Lloyd...
*Lloyd isnt online*
Fudgeeee! C'mon! Atleast someone should be online right now! Lemme chk JM..
*John isnt online*
F$#* JM isnt online too! Wait-- Justin is online!!
Me: Justin!
Justin: yes?
Me: Bro talk time
Justin: oke why?
Me: d'you think Jana is avoiding me?
Justin: looks like it...
Me: da heck?
Justin: im joking! Well what happened so far?
Me: Jana thinks im cheating on her for Sara..
Justin: um...Sara?
Me: the girl in my class with a chinese like face and a pale skin...
Justin: oh! Sara! The girl who ya kno Jana almost strangled...
Me: Jana nvr strangled Sara
Justin: ik...But her face says like it...
Me: anyways...wut should I do?!
Justin: talk to her! Its not my problem shes avoiding you...
Me: well...maybe I should...but im not tht type of an approchable type of person...
Justin: Just wait for like...10 min, if she doesnt reply u spam her...
Me:mkay...thx bro
Justin: np...😉 good luck bro..

Looks like I have a plan..
1. Wait for Jana
2.If no reply Spam

After 5 min

Umm ok? Is Jana online? Ugh no!
Ok lets see *only been for 5 min* if no reply she'd-- *phone rings*
Oh who is-- ITS JANA!!!

Jana: Hey Joey? Are you Mad?

Me: No of course not! I thought YOUR mad at me!

Jana: What?! No! Well...Ysa told me your not an approachable type of a it true?

Me: well ya...

( Jana and Joey says at same time)
Joey&Jana: Im sorry! I still love you...
Oops! Wait! What?!


Jana: awkward...

Me: well...ya

Jana: Im sorry I've been a brat...Im so selfish!!

Me: Dont say that! And Im srry if you think I cheated on you...

Jana: I love you

Joey: I love you 2...

MAH HEARTEUUUUUUUUU!!!!!  I was bored so I made dis chapter...
Gabby and I werent online these days...sowyyy💗💗💗
Just keep updated when it comes to weekends, we might keep updated every weekends and thurs...thnk you for reading dis chapter pls vote and follow us💙 thnk u we love you ( yes justin aint doing anything and we aint giving him credit)!!

P.s. I chose Justin for dis convo cuz Joey and Justin are 'best' friends.. so yes


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