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Emilia's POV

This cannot be happening. I haven't seen him in three years. I thought he left the state or moved somewhere else, but here he is. Just hearing him say my name makes me cringe. Never did I think I would see him again, but he has proven me wrong. I didn't want Ashton to leave me alone with him, but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. I wanted to run, but my body wouldn't move. I'm paralyzed by his very presence.

"How are you, Emilia?" His lips curve up into a twisted smirk, enjoying my discomfort.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jared?" As strong as I want to sound, my voice came out barely above a whisper.

My hands are shaking at my side as I glare at him. He lifts his hand and brushes it along my still arm. I shudder from his touch and instinctively take two steps back. I don't want him anywhere near me or touching me.

"Don't do that, Em." His stupid smirk is still plastered on his face. "It's been a while. Who was that guy you were with? Boyfriend?"

"Leave me alone." You'd think that with the large crowd of people dancing around us, at least one person would see that I don't want him near me. But, no. I'm alone and have to fend for myself somehow.

Jared forcefully grips my arm and drags me away from the dance floor. That's my only safe place. If people are around us, he won't be able to touch me. But now that we're away, nothing is stopping him. There's no use in struggling. I know I can't break free from his strong grip. I've tried before and that didn't end well. He continues to drag me along and I frantically scanned the area for any of the boys. When I spot our table, it's empty. I continue to search for any of them to help me, but they are nowhere to be found. Jared loosens his grip as we exit the ballroom and head towards the other side of the center, isolating us from everyone.

"I'm surprised you're not putting up a fight like you normally do, Em." He chuckles, pulling me further down the hallway. He stops in front of a door across from a men's restroom and opens it to reveal a large storage closet. Jared shoves me into the room, causing me to trip and fall onto the hard floor, ripping the hem of my dress in the process. Pain pulsates from my leg and it struggle to stand to my feet to try and escape, but Jared closes the door behind him.

His eyes darken, making my heart pound against my chest. "Now we have some privacy," he says. "I've missed you. I didn't think I would get to see you again, but I'm glad I did."

"You're sick," I seethe, finally finding my voice. "Why are you here?"

"My uncle works for one of the companies that are recruiting. I decided to come just for the experience." He says calmly. "Now it's my turn to ask a question. Who was that guy you were with?"

He's angry. His nostrils are flaring and his chest is rising at a fast pace. He never liked when I was within two feet of another guy. Since I was pressed against Ash's chest, it probably pissed him off even more.

"Emilia, who is he?" he repeats, almost growling.

I ignore him. "What do you want? Was screwing up my mentality not enough for you?"

He scoffs. "I just want to take back what is mine." His possessiveness hasn't changed one bit.

"I'm not yours!" I yell, throwing my arms in the air.

"If you keep yelling like that, someone is going to hear you."

"Good!" I shout even louder. This is literally my only way of getting any sort of help. My phone is in my purse on the table so I can't call anyone. If I yell loud enough, maybe someone could hear me. Although, at the distance we're at, I can't say it's likely. "I haven't been yours for over three years. You were so controlling. I couldn't have friends because of you. You've screwed up any chance for me to be in a healthy relationship! It's all your fault."

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