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***Smut warning***

Emilia's POV

Ever since the day after Julia and I came home from visiting her parents with the guys, we've been snowed in our apartment for a couple of days due to a major blizzard and as much as I love being home and staying in my pajamas all day, some contact with the outside world would be nice—actually, some contact with a certain person sounds more accurate. The roads are all slick and even though Ashton's house isn't that far it's still a death wish to even drive in my opinion. Plus, it would be a devil of a task to even get to the car seeing how there's a good two feet of snow outside.

He and I have been keeping contact through Skype and he even made me keep my laptop on while I slept so that he can watch me sleep when he wakes up before me. I thought it was cute but sadly he couldn't watch me because my laptop died and I forgot to plug it in before I went to bed the other day.

However, in between the times that we Skype, I've been locked up in my thoughts and constantly spilling things out to Julia. I already told her about our little date that we had after we left the party and there's only one thing left that I can no longer keep inside because I literally don't know how to handle the topic.

"Hey Julia, what's an acceptable and appropriate way to tell Ashton that I want to have sex with him?" I ask as I rummage through the Doritos bag in my lap for the last unbroken chip.

Julia begins choking on the water that she is drinking and I have to pat her back until she stops coughing and wait for her to take another sip of the death liquid that made her choke in the first place. "Well don't be as blunt as you were with me just now," she says hoarsely and clears her throat. "Where did this come from anyway?"

I shrug and pour the tiny remaining bits of chips in my mouth. "I've been thinking about it for a few days."

"You're actually okay with the idea of sex even after what happened?"

"Sex is a part of human nature; reproduction and all that stuff."

"Not to mention fun," she says, giving me a wink.

I groan and walk over to the kitchen to throw away the empty Doritos bag before taking my previous position lying down on the couch. "Sure, whatever. Anyways, I'm not like one hundred percent okay with it because it's still a little scary to think about, but I can't just let that stop me doing it. If it's going to be with anyone, I'd like it to be with Ash."

"I kind of thought that you would be the person who would wait until marriage to have sex."

"Do I seem like that much of a prude?"

"Prude is a bit harsh...maybe pure would be more appropriate of a word."

Just because I don't have a lot of experience when it comes to relationships doesn't mean that I don't think about un-pure things once in a while. I am human after all. "Waiting wasn't really a plan of mine," I say. "I figured that if I'm ready then I would do it."

"And are you sure you're ready?"

Ashton is the single person who I trust with everything, even more so than Julia which is odd seeing that I've known her longer. I don't have to hide with him. If I want to be anti-social, he's okay with that. If I want to eat everything in the house, he's also okay with that. He helped me get over my fear of being intimate and I can even let him see me almost completely naked. Ridding one more piece of clothing won't bother me at all and quite frankly, I want it.

With full confidence, I answer, "I am."

Julia spends the next hour telling me what I need to know about sex and that it may or may not hurt, however, she doesn't know that my mom told me all of this when I was thirteen and I don't really need a repeat of someone demonstrating how to put on a condom with a banana. I let her go on anyway because she seems so happy to be giving me advice with my relationship. She's been giving me advice ever since I became friends with Ash. Who am I to tell her to stop when in reality, I actually need the advice from time-to-time.

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