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Emilia's POV

It's amazing how a single person can make me forget such simple necessities that should be a priority, but oddly enough, they didn't even come to mind last night. I was too concerned with coming home to a peanut butter cup and seeing Ashton again that I forgot to bring a change of clothes and now I'm stuck once again, wearing oversized clothing that fits comfortably, but makes me look like a child who decided to play dress up in their parent's closet.

I should really just keep some clothes over here so that I don't have to worry about forgetting them.

"Why don't you then?" Ashton asks, pulling his grey t-shirt down over his head and shoving his arms through the sleeves.

My eyes widen as I sit cross-legged on his bed, watching him slide his arms through a red plaid flannel shirt and leaving it unbuttoned to reveal the grey shirt underneath. "Did I say that out loud?" I ask.

He chuckles, showing off the small indention in his cheeks. "Yes," he says. "You do that a lot actually. You talk in your sleep too. You were mumbling something about eating all the Reese's in the world last night. It was pretty damn cute."

"You know I would have liked to know that I speak my thoughts without knowing it as well as sleep talk," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"But then you would be all cautious when you think around me and where's the fun in that?" he teases, walking over to the edge of the bed and putting his warm hands on either side of my face. "I like hearing you talk in your sleep as well as your obliviousness to speaking your thoughts aloud. Like I said, it's cute." He pecks my lips softly, lingering momentarily before pulling away and winking at me.

"It's not cute." I pout and he squishes my cheeks together.

"I beg to differ." He giggles and drops his hands from my face. "So back to the question at hand: why don't you leave some of your clothes here?"

Because it would make me feel like I'm living here. "Because I don't want to take up space in your closet."

He raises an eyebrow and gives me the 'you-can't-be-serious' look. He takes my hand and pulls me up off the bed and guides me over to his closet where he opens the door and shows me the rather large space. "There is more than enough room for you to keep some stuff here," he says. "Babe, I'm not asking you to bring your entire wardrobe, just a few things to keep here as back-up."

I look up at Ashton and then glance back inside the closet. It wouldn't hurt to keep a shirt or two in here. Maybe even a pair of jeans?

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Emilia," he says, placing both hands on my shoulders and shrugging. "It's just a suggestion."

I crane my neck to meet his face. "No, I'll bring some the next time I come over," I say, shocking not only myself by my quick response, but also Ashton.


"Yeah, I mean why not? You have clothes at my place, even though technically they're mine because you gave them to me, but if you really needed to, I'd let you wear them if you came over."

He narrows his eyes and smirks. "Really?" he asks skeptically and just by his tone, I know that he doesn't believe me. I don't even believe me.

"No," I squeak, pulling my lips back and trying as hard as I can to resist smiling.

He chuckles and rubs my shoulders before placing a kiss to the top of my head. "I thought so."

I look back inside the closet and in the corner, poorly hidden by his clothes hanging on the rod is a rectangular object wrapped in a black sheet. By the shape of it, it looks like a canvas. "What's that?" I ask, walking towards it, only to be pulled back by Ashton.

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