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"It's a known fact that, every man entitled to a fortune is in need for a wife."

"And pray tell why that is, mother?" Lizzie asked her mother, in a bid to rile her up. Mrs. Bennett huffed as she tried to come up with an appropriate answer, but came up short each time. Therefore, in order to save herself from humiliation, promptly changed the subject and her target of attention which would be her husband Mr. Bennett, who lounged in his chair as he tapped away on his I-pad.

Mrs. and Mr. Bennett was an unusual couple to say the least, both completely different from each other. While Mr. Bennett was a man of few words, who loved his technology, Mrs. Bennett was the complete opposite for the lady could talk for days without a break and sometimes was too much of a traditional woman for 21st century. However, their daughters would say that this was what had them sticking to each other, for their opposite personalities balanced each other out and made a complete person.

The couple had been blessed with three daughters, the eldest being Jane Marie Bennett, a beautiful woman of 25 and an upcoming fashion editor. Jane was according to her mother the prettiest of the three and destined to snag a rich hunk for herself, however her sister's doubted the notion for it would entail Jane to actually speak and not bumble like a fool or go red up in the face. Nonetheless, she was a loving person, who was adored by all and had a fair share of suitors for herself.

The second daughter was Elizabeth Rose Bennett, age 23 and currently working as a lawyer in a pretty reputed firm. Lizzie had always been more of a spitfire and independent girl for as long as anyone known her. Never reaching up to her mother's expectations but her father's favorite. Now she may have not had as many suitors as Jane or be a complete stunner in looks, she still attracted men and had her night outs with men trying to woo her, wherever she may go, however not if she intimidates them all away before that.

The last of the bunch was Lydia Anne Bennett, age 20 and somewhat of a drama queen. Completely taking after her mother, she was the one to seldom land into trouble. Over a period of time Lydia had developed a notion that the only way of living your life was to be rich and famous, so she was often seen trying out for auditions or playing make believe with her manager, who happened to be none other than Mrs. Bennett. Lydia was also known to have a reputation of somewhat of a flirt around the area due to the regular new faces she was found hanging around with. Probably the reason men mostly tried to run away from her.

"Mr. Bennett, are you aware that the Nether field Villa has been bought by a family?" Mrs. Bennett used her sugar tone as Lizzie liked to call it, as she turned towards her husband.

"Of course," Out came a mumbled reply. So she carried on for she knew it was the best reaction she was going to get.

"Well, I've come to know that it has been purchased for quite a huge fortune, and that the new owners are some big shot billionaires by the name of Bingley's."

"Yes, it's true."

"Well then, why don't you go over and welcome our new neighbors into the community? You could benefit from such an acquaintance and god bless if they had any son, he could be arranged to meet with any one of my daughters, and perhaps marry one of them too."

As Mrs. Bennett went on and on of the advantages of such an arrangement Mr. Bennett all but refused to pay any attention to his wife's requests as he continued to tap away.

"George! Leave that blasted thing and go over to Nether field right now." Mrs. Bennett all but screamed at her husband as she snatched the i-pad from his hands.

"I don't see the benefits you have been listing to me Catherine. My daughters are well educated and working independent women who can well take care of their needs and not depend on some rich man for it, well two of them at least." He mumbled the last part however, it was not ignored as Jane and Lizzie broke into a fit of giggles while Lydia fumed in her seat.

"You don't love me anymore, for if you had, you would have done as I had requested you to do so, oh my nerves are acting up again and it's all because of you." Mrs. Bennett cried in despair as she flumped down in her seat and began to sob.

"Oh darling, I'm very well aware of your nerves for they have been my constant companion from the past 25 years, now if you don't feel well, perhaps I should refuse the invitation to Lucas's charity auction where we were being expected by the Bingley's to join in order to discuss a business proposal." As the words registered with Mrs. Bennett and the girls there were squeals of laughter and excited chatter all around the house, and seeing his wife successfully distracted Mr. Bennett snatched his i-pad from her hands and got back to his seat with a slight smile on his face.

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