(Fugaku POV)
Hm.. so Hatake's kid is able to use all that and is just four. Hatake was as well a prodigy, so I can see why. As I was pondering I hear a knock."Come in."
"Father I will be taking Sakura and Sasuke traning we will be back later today."
"Hn... Ok."
"I'll be leaving now." With that Itachi closed the door and from what I know went outside to wait for the two.
(Sakura POV)
"SAKURA-CHAN!!!!" I turned only to be met by a blonde boy with ocean blue eyes and three whiskers on each cheek, running towards me .
He was to fast for me to move out of the way , that next thing I know I'm on the ground with a blonde on top of me hugging me to death." N-naruto-kun y-your k-killing m-me."
"Oh. Sorry Sakura-chan,"He said letting go
" Its just that I missed you. I haven't seen you in forever..."
"Naruto-kun I just saw you yesterday. Remember we went with you kaa-san to eat ramen." I said as I sweat drop.
"Oohhh! Yeah!"
"Baka." I mumble.
" Sakura-chan, want to go get ramen ?!"
" I'm sorry Naruto-kun I can't " I guess he hasn't notice Sasuke-kun or Itachi-oniichan
"Aww, why Sakura-chan?"
"I'm going to train with them." i said pointing at Itachi-oniichan and Sasuke-kun.
"With weasel and teme."I giggle at the names he gave them.
"Hey!!! Who are you calling a teme, dobe!!!"
"Who are you calling a dobe te-"I cut Naruto off before he could finish his sentence.
"Naruto-kun apologwze for calling him a teme. Sasuke-kun apologwze for calling him a dobe."
"Apologwze or else" I said with a dark voice like Anko-san taught me.
"Y-Yes S-Salura-chan."Itachi chuckled at that'
"Then do it."
"I'm sorry i called you a teme\dobe." They both mumbled
"That's better. Now as I was saying we going to train at the training ground Gai-oniichan and Papa train at, maybe if okaa-san lets let you, you can come."
" I'll go ask her if she does let me I'll go there."
"Okay, also tell her I said Hi."
"Okay Sakura-chan"With that he left to ask okaa-san if he could go. Oh, and did i forget to tell you his name is Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto he's the fourth Hokage's son. I started walking inside my house like I was going to before I got attacked by Naruto.
"You two wait here I'll be back."
"Alright, Sakura\chan." both Uchiha's said. I walked up stairs I got changed and got everything I need.
Date Published; May 6, 2018
1] I know this chapter is shorter than the others i just needed to publish something so i just did this quick chapter.
2] the picture isn't revelent i just needed something that had Naruto,Sakura,Sasuke and Itachi.
3] i might start publishing a book I have been writing on days i know i won't be able to post or wait till i finish this book completly
3) if there's a lot of spelling mistakes sorry

Sakura Hatake
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