(No one POV)
"What are you doing!" A sliver headed Jonin asked in a loud voice. All three pre-teens turned to look at him.
Sakura just rolled her eyes. Kakashi glared at Sasuke,while sasuke looked down in embarrassment.
"Meet me on the roof to talk."
And like that he was gone. The three kids looked at each other and raced to the roof.
Sakura made it first then sasuke and last naruto.
When they reached the top. They sat down with sakura in the middle.
(A.n. I didnt write the question
because I'm lazy also I didn't write Naruto's because it's the because it's just the same)"I'm Sasuke Uchiha my dream is to surpass my big brother. I like tomatoes and I dislike idiots and fangirls."
"I'm sakura haruno my dream is to be like lady tsunade and to know more about my family. I like dangos and reading and training. I dislike liars and people that don't tell me about MY life"

Sakura Hatake
FanfictionShe was known as Haruno by her classmates,but most older ninja know the truth. They used Haruno because her father heard someone was after him. But why not use her mother's name well more danger will come as well. Non-uchiha massacre, team Minato a...