(Sakura POV)
'He's here? Why is he here!'
I'm just staring at him. Next thing I knew I was pointing at him.
"Why are you here" everyone turned to look at him.
"Sakura hun you should be happy that Kakashi-kun took time off to come."
" What's point if he can't even say 'good morning sweetie' or 'happy birthday' nothing of that and you expect me to be okay with that?!"
"Sakura..." I heard Sasuke whisper to me.
"You know what it screw it, it doesn't even matter anymore it's not like it's any different from any other day or year." I say as I walk to the nearest tree.
I know I'm giving papa a hard time but I mean ... I don't know I feel lonely it's like I don't have a mom or a dad
'Stop being so fucking emotional when you are a shinobi you get called out at random, leave your family and all that shit idiot'
'I've been meaning to ask.... Why do I have to be so unlucky to have you'
'You aren't unlucky you are very fucking lucky to have me, so be greatful bitch'
'Hey! We've been over this no cursing inner!'
'What ever'
(No one's POV)
Sakura heard something behind her, but she paid no mind to it because she knew who it was, otherwise she would of said something . He obviously didn't really try to hide his presence at all so she immediately noticed him.
"If you're here to lecture me just leave. I already know what you're going to say so leave it as is, Itachi." She heard him sigh.
"Sakura... I know it must be hard, but-" He was cut of by an upset Sakura.
"Y-you understand! No you don't understand Itachi! Y-you come home knowing someone's waiting there for you! You have dinner with a family and not alone! So d-don't tell me you understand!" She was on the verge of tears.
"You don't understand how lonely it gets! Going home not knowing if someone was going to be there or not! Not wanting to go home after class because you know no one will be there! It's the same everyday Itachi! I wakeup, I-I go to the academy, I get home and eat dinner alone, and sleep!!" Itachi looked at her with shock, he was about to speak but once again cut off.
"Everyday I go to the academy or anywhere!! I hear them! The adults whispering to each other! 'Oh look it's that girl' 'I hear her parents disowned her' I'm tired of it I'm tired of every thing Itachi! Unlike me y-you are looked up to when people see you they don't talk bad! No they say 'look the Uchiha prodigy' 'T-the"
she took a deep breath now she was crying tears streaming down her face.By now the older Uchihaheld her in an embrace.
Rubbing her back trying to comfort her which he succeeded on mostly since he had taken care of her when ever kakashi went on a mission and she was younger.
"Shh.... it's okay let it out." By now she was hiccuping.
"At some points I feel like they're right Itachi. I feel like Kakashi takes all those missions to get away from me. I d-don't even know my mom. I feel like a failure. I feel like a disappointment." The girls lower lip was trembling.
Words: 573
Published: November 14, 2018
1) am I the only one who cried?
2) I finally posted a chapter I'm proud of myself
3) thank you all for your love and support I really appreciate it sooo much

Sakura Hatake
FanfictionShe was known as Haruno by her classmates,but most older ninja know the truth. They used Haruno because her father heard someone was after him. But why not use her mother's name well more danger will come as well. Non-uchiha massacre, team Minato a...