Episode 1

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Sherlock knew he was doing it wrong. His hands were shaking and his lips were trembling. Maybe, it was too much, maybe the technique was wrong but he didn't care. Not now. Not when she was not here. Who the hell does she think she is? Sherlock thought.

These days this was all he could think about. That woman. And to think the great Sherlock Holmes almost fell into her trap. Huh! This was Sherlock's last thought before he was consumed by the dark.

'Wake up. For god's sakes, wake up.'

John? This sounded like John's voice, but wait, how is John here? Wait. Where am I? Sherlock cracked his right eye open, not that he was conscious of which eye to open, but this is what he did, unconsciously of course. He saw John, his dear friend looking down at him. He didn't seem too happy. Just notice how his lips are a thin line, and how hard his face is. He is quite handsome, and he knows it too. Well! Everyone should know their strengths. Sherlock kept on thinking this while slowly opening his left eye, this time conscious of his friend's anger.

'What the hell do you think you are doing?', John yelled.

'Oh! For heaven sakes, John do shut up. Can't you see I am sleeping?', Sherlock replied.

'Sleeping? Huh! Sleeping? Do you even know where you were last night?', John was getting angrier by the moment. This man, I thought he was sad but he is too far gone now. I have to alert Mycroft. John thought.

'Where?' Sherlock questioned while trying to get up from what felt like a very strange bed. Oh, look! Silk. Wait, silk? It was like Sherlock got an electric shock, he sprang out the bed and looked around. Really looked around and realized that he had gone too far this time. Looking over at his now little confused but still very angry friend, Sherlock asked, 'How did you find me?'

'Well, you were constantly messaging me. So it was quite easy actually.'

'How? What did I write? Never mind I will look myself. Let's get out of here. I will puke if we are to stay even one more minute at this place.'

'Well, then you better get ready to puke a lot because we are not leaving till I find some answers.' John replied.

'Answers to what?', Sherlock asked irritated. But before Sherlock could pouch John into leaving John left the room. Sherlock followed behind like a lost, confused and now irritated puppy.

Reaching the living room, he saw Mary. And before he could say anything Mary said, 'Yes, even I am here Sherlock.' And this time Sherlock noticed she did not smile. And sitting beside Mary he saw Molly. Molly? And this time Sherlock exclaimed, 'Oh god! Even Molly Hooper is here. What is this? Some kind of intervention?'

'If you were not so miserable Sherlock, I would kill you myself.' Seethed John. But something struck to Sherlock. Miserable? Sherlock Holmes was many things but he was not miserable. Never miserable. Because being miserable meant you cared too much which according to Sherlock was the biggest sin. Okay, now he really needed to know what he did last night.

Sherlock waited for them start. Just by looking at their faces he understood that he must have done something really beyond him this time. Well, had he murdered someone? That is very improbable. Sherlock does not kill, yes he enjoys planning murders but actually killing people, no that is not it. If not murder then what? Okay, considering he was sitting in her living room, he must..

'Okay Sherlock, why were you in Irene Adler's house, in her bedroom?', John interrupted Sherlock's thoughts. Irene Adler. The woman. The only woman who could beat Sherlock Holmes. It felt so different hearing her name out loud after so many months.

'I don't know. Must be a case. Seriously, it is not something we should discuss. It is not something serious. I think we should move past this.', Sherlock replied hastily. Ready to stop this conversation and go home.

'No. Nobody is moving till we figure out exactly what is wrong with you.' This time it was Mary who spoke so determinedly.

'It is not a big deal. I have done far worse things in the past for cases. This is something unusual.'

'Not unusual? Not unusual. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU TEXTED ME LAST NIGHT?', John was yelling at the top of his lungs. This got Sherlock's attention. Yes, what had he texted him last night? Sherlock mused. He was about to look for his phone when John started reading his texts.

'I don't think I can ever forget how she looked that night. John is something wrong with me. - SH'

'I am thinking of her constantly. It is so disgusting. I am getting disgusted by myself. John, what if she was right? Please respond. - SH'

'Oh! Don't read them out loud. You are ruining it.' Sherlock whined. But this didn't stop John. then he played a video where Sherlock saw himself laying on Irene's bed and inhaling the silk and muttering how he thinks she was right. This was enough. As if it couldn't get any more embarrassing. Now, even Molly Hooper knew his feelings toward the woman.

'Wish to see more? Still, think it not a big deal?', John challenged.

Sherlock did not want to see any more of this. So he decided it was time he actually shut up and listened to his friends and Molly Hooper, who was almost teary-eyed. Oh god, woman! Love is disgusting. He knew this now. Look at what it made him do. Look at how low he had come. And look at Molly Hooper, crying over him. Love was a disgusting thing.

Sherlock mentally promised himself that enough was enough. He would stop loving, no it wasn't love. He would stop whatever he was feeling towards the woman this instant. But he didn't how difficult it would be. 

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