Chapter 1: Escaping Konoha

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(Hey everyone. This is my try at a new story based off of "Kyuubi no Taiyo no Megami". It was a good story and when he I saw that he wouldn't mind us taking a shot at it I just jumped at the idea. Im only gonna borrow and edit the first few chapters since they are great but then it will be handwritten/typed by me. All credit for the first few chapters go to OmniczarProbst for the original idea. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy and see y'all at the end of the chapter!

I don't own anything except my heart which is a cold black hole.)


She had to run.

She couldn't stop or else they'd catch her.

A small girl, about five years old, ran through the streets of Konohagakure fearing for her very life. She had shining, blonde hair and bright blue, cerulean eyes. Six whisker-like birthmarks adorned her face. She was dressed in a green kimono. At one point in time, it seemed like it would have been a very beautiful kimono with an ornate design of several butterflies imprinted in a lighter green color. However, now the kimono was tattered, ripped, and filthy. Her own body wasn't in any better condition either. She was dirty all over and also had scratches and bruises on various parts of her tiny, fragile body.

Currently, she was running as fast as her kimono and legs would carry her. A mob was after her again. But this time was different. They didn't just want to do her harm this time. She saw the murderous intent in their eyes. She quickly had to flee and escape from them long enough for the Hokage to save her.

The streets were barren due to it being late at night. The lynching party had arrived during the evening and torched down her home. She luckily managed to get out but now the mob was after her.

Where was the Hokage and his ANBU? She'd thought they would have intervened by now.

"Hurry! Get it!" came a cry from behind her.

"Don't let the demon escape!"

She panicked. They were getting closer. She had to get away. She quickly looked ahead at the path ahead trying to locate any means of escape. Something caught her attention: it was a tiny alley between to buildings. It was just wide enough for her to squeeze through. She quickly ducked into the alley when she reached it and quickly moved through to get out of reach of the mob.

"Dammit!" one cried furiously. "It got away!"

"Quickly! Find a way around! We cannot let it escape!"

Panic struck the small child as she made her way through the rest of the alley. She was in another abandoned street, however, across from her, instead of more structures, was a forest.

"Down this way!"


"We can't let it get away!"

These voices came from off in the distance, but they were closing in. In an effort to get away, the child broke into a sprint deep into the wood. She forced herself through trees, brush, and darkness trying desperately to get away. Finally, she stopped to rest and hid behind a bush. She could see the torchlight of the mob reaching where she had entered the woods.

"Where the hell did it go?"

"It couldn't have gone far. Find it!"

To her relief, they started to spread out away from the woods, only glancing at where she probably could have entered the forest, however, thankfully she had somehow left no obvious hint that she had entered the forest. She let out a breath of relief until something grabbed the collar of the kimono and threw her into a tree some 20 yards away. She looked up and was instantly terrified. Before her were three Konoha shinobi. All of them wore standard shinobi uniform with what she recognized as a Chunin vest. She couldn't make out what their faces looked like due to it being night and their faces weren't in the moonlight.

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