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Friday let out a soft groan as she lifted one eye open at a time. The amount of effort it took to pry them open made it evident how long she must have slept. Her head was thudding in pain. 

"What time is it?" Friday mumbled to herself as she slowly try to get up from the very uncomfortable bed she was in.

Surprising a recognisable voice answered her, "10 pm."

Friday fingers curled into a fist as her nails dug deep inside her skin, "What are you doing here? And where am I?"

Before she got a reply, another voice came into her room, she instantly knew who it was and anger boiled inside her, "Iankins, I better get some sleep, sorry I am very tired after helping Friday all day. Toodles!" 

But what Addison said did not make Friday rage in anger, it was what she did that made her want to jump on her and punch her. Addison innocently kiss Ian on the cheeks.  

Friday was to shock to punch her but when Addison left she cross her hands and frowned at Ian, "Seriously? How dare you? I'm you girlfriend. At least show some respect to me!"

Even in the dark, Friday could feel Ian blushing and he slowly stood up from where he was sitting, lost for words but stammered a got to go cue to leave. And just like that, Friday was left alone in some place she did not know and tears began to pool in her eyes. It wasn't like Friday to cry but this is just to hard to handle for her. Friday knew she didn't want to break up with Ian. Not yet. 

"He is just under her spell," She told herself as she started to bite her fingers. "I just need to prove to him that she is a two faced girl.

It was about one am on the clock as three hours of deep thinking of exposing Addison and her two face, she tiptoed out of the place she was in. Her eyes trailed her surroundings as she tried to figure out where she was. Instantaneously she knew as she saw the maths classroom a few metres down the hallway. 

"I was in the nurses office the whole time. With no nurse?" She chuckled as she strolled towards the science classroom to start her plan.

After walking for a few minutes, she arrive at the classroom but the door was blocked by tape. Luckily she was skinny enough to fit through the door until she felt a rough hand that pulled her around her ankle. 

She wanted to scream but that might wake up the principle which he would question her what she was doing at this hour which Friday did not want. 

Instantly, with all the strength she could muster she kicked her imposter in the stomach.

"Ouch!" The voice said. 

"Ian? What are you doing here?" Shock laced in Fridays voice but soon turned into anger. "Aren't you suppose to hang out with your girlfriend?"

"I thought your my girlfriend," he mumbled as he rubbed the area where Friday kicked him.

Friday huffed, "Clearly not anymore after what happened."

"Are you okay? You did pass out for a long time, you shouldn't leave the nurses office until tomorrow."

"Why do you ask?" Friday asked but after a minute of silence, she knew Ian is not bothered to reply. 

"Well leave if you want but I'm here to check why every table exploded except Addison and your's. It must be some kind of device done by the handy work of Addison." Friday said as she started to duck around the chaotic classroom.

"How would you know? And why do you hate her so much? All she did is spread kindness and try to be nice to you but you always shut her out. If your so jealous, I'm going to say this one, we are not together." Ian seethed at Friday.

She couldn't hold it anymore as tears formed in her eyes. Her heart was beating rapidly as it started to break and shatter into pieces. "You just don't understand. Like if you ever did," Friday concluded as she ran away from the classroom and the boy she once loved.


Hey angels! I'm back with another update! All your comments and votes are making me publish more and more chapters! This chapter is so sad, it actually broke my heart. Anyways...

Comment, vote and share it with your friends!

L x

Friday Barnes: Fake loveWhere stories live. Discover now