Author's Note

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Hi, everyone! I'm gonna be starting this new book for a while. I was inspired after watching mirai nikki. I know, I haven't updated my one shot book in so long, but I just really wanted to make this. I haven't been updating because of school and my mother confiscates my phone when I have exams and stuff. I promise I'll start being more active again.

This is a yandere!dazai x reader, so he might be a little ooc. I'm also not very creative so some chapters might be clinche or overused, but I'll try to make this story original. 

I'll be posting whenver I have time. In weekends or in my free time.

Thats all. I hope you'll enjoy!~♡ '●○●'


infatuated ➾ yandere!osamu dazaiWhere stories live. Discover now